Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018 Saturday#The Spirit#Diet - sometime#Frankenmuth#SWX

Get Faith
John 14: 15-17  "If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and He will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth."  I think the Holy Spirit is largely ignored.  We have a gift here  that Jesus our Savior asked God to send us and we too often forget his presence in our life.  Pray the Spirit fills you with peace, comfort and joy, and ask the Spirit to stay with you in your life.  Our God is an awesome God!

Get Fit
I am heavy with cookies and doing little to stop it.  I did buy a magazine today with a diet that said it would heal my gut and lose 4" off of my belly.  I am going to start it the minute all those Christmas cookies and candies are gone!

On this day
1994  Mom, Nicole and I took the day and drove to Frankenmuth.  I think this was more for Mom than for Nicole or I.  Nicole would have been 9 and it is a long ride, but Grandma had  all those funny Christmas tapes in her car and we probably sang all the way up there, or did Mad Gabs.  I am not a fan of their chicken dinners and I'm sure I was tired of shopping but, we walked around the town and had dinner and probably sang all the way home, or Nicole fell asleep in the back seat.  I am glad to find these random memories of time spent with Mom.

1170 - St. Thomas à Becket, the 40th archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his own cathedral by four knights acting on Henry II's orders. Notice he was sainted later.

Zurich Switzerland

The Swiss stock exchange[edit]

The Swiss stock Exchange on Selnaustrasse
The Swiss stock exchange is called SIX Swiss Exchange, formerly known as SWX. The SIX Swiss Exchange is the head group of several different worldwide operative financial systems: EurexEurex US, EXFEED, STOXX, and virt-x. The exchange turnover generated at the SWX was in 2007 of 1,780,499.5 million CHF; the number of transactions arrived in the same period at 35,339,296 and the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) arrived at a total market capitalization of 1,359,976.2 million CHF.[78][79]
The SIX Swiss Exchange goes back more than 150 years. In 1996, fully electronic trading replaced the traditional floor trading system at the stock exchanges of Geneva (founded in 1850), Zürich (1873) and Basel (1876).
Since 2008, the SIX Swiss Exchange has been part of the SIX Group, as SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group merged.  Want to visit your money?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia!  

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