Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 11, 2018 Tuesday #Love together#Stay healthy#Get Busy#Zuriputsch!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:7  "(Love) always perseveres."  Picture a family at Christmas enjoying the holiday, laughing, singing, and eating great food.  The love is noticeable, the warmth and caring, even if there is someone ill, or in distress they are there with their loved ones, which makes it better.  Now think of that person alone, in front of a TV, eating carry out, alone - with a phone that doesn't ring.  We are human and we need love and the care of one another.  God puts us in families - our relatives or the family of church, groups that care and include each other.  We need each other and we need Jesus Christ in our life to get through our years and make life the best it can be.

Get Fit
And speaking of being your best - staying healthy is a big part of that.  Stay in motion and eat healthy, especially during the holidays when we seem to be in contact with and more easily succumb to germs.  Wash your hands and drink a lot of water! 

On this day
2013  Ah retired life.  Nicole was up at Boyne Mountain snow boarding, Mom and Al (neighbor) went to get their hair done and out to lunch.  I was home alone cleaning, which gave me great satisfaction - to be home alone.  When Mom got back I took her to her appointment with Dr Bill.  After dinner I met Kris Lynch at the show to see Hunger Games and stopped for a drink with her before heading home.  What keeps you busy, do you have a schedule or do whatever suits you every day?   I know I am extremely routine which probably makes people I live with crazy.  Oh, well.

2013 - Standard & Poors announced that Facebook would join its S&P 500 index "after the close of trading on December 20."   Wow!

Zurich Switzerland
The Helvetic Revolution of 1798 saw the fall of the Ancien Régime. Zürich lost control of the land and its economic privileges, and the city and the canton separated their possessions between 1803–05. In 1839, the city had to yield to the demands of its urban subjects, following the Züriputsch of 6 September. Most of the ramparts built in the 17th century were torn down, without ever having been besieged, to allay rural concerns over the city's hegemony. The Treaty of Zürich between Austria, France, and Sardinia was signed in 1859.[27]
Fighting on the Paradeplatz during the Züriputsch

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Renata!!

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