Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Pilates today.  After working out for the last 20 years pretty consistently I was still surprised at the results.  I bought one of the weight watcher scales that tells you your BMI, bone mass, etc.  All of my numbers were in the accepted range.  That's great but I still want to lose 10 lbs.  Don't quit trying! 

Ephesians 3:1-4 This is a perfect week to allow yourself to study the mystery that is Christ.  As Paul says here "Jesus wants friends and companions."  Listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, read it.  Find out how he walked with his friends for 3 years on this earth and is still deeply worshiped and adored 2,000 + years later.  He is that wonderful and He loves you and died for you.

On this day;
2003 - Mom came over for dinner and her and Nicole and I talked about what our plans were.  Mom had not been feeling well and she had troubles at her apartment. Her car had been stolen from the parking lot, then another car ran into her apartment building and right into her living room.  Nicole was going away to Albion for college and I was not looking forward to living alone.  Things happen and things change.  Change is not always easy for us to deal with.  Now it is another change.

0030 - Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. According to their calendar this is Easter.  Not a problem it is the outcome, not the date that matters.

Parenting/Family  Adjustments have to be made according to life.  Mom is now moved into nursing care and Nicole is back home.  This is probably not cast in stone either.  We do what has to be done at the time.  Nicole will be gone all summer to run Stony Lake Camp and I will be home alone.  Change.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     After catechism Judy and I would wait by the street for one of our parents to pick us up.  It was probably 5 or so miles to church and they most likely knew better then to trust us taking the bus. 
     Puppy Love by Paul Anka
     While we were waiting we talked about boys of course.
     “Do you think any of the boys in Catechism are cute?”  Judy asked.
     “No, do you?”  I quickly answered because it didn’t fit with the “type” of girls we thought we were.
     “No, but maybe that Dennis is okay” she said.

     “Yeah, he is kind of cute” I said because I could tell she liked him.
     “Have you talked to him?” I asked.

     “Yes, he asked if I lived near church one day, like he was going to maybe ask to come over or something”.
Juneau Alaska:
 Here is our last adventure before we move on!
Douglas Island Zipline Tour from Juneau, Juneau

Douglas Island Zipline Tour from Juneau

Juneau, Alaska
From USD $179.00

Enjoy the day!!  Make it Memorable!   Happy Birthday to Dave and Diedre!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015 Sunday - Palm Sunday

A day of rest.

The Gospel of Mark - Passion Week.  The triumphant entry into Jerusalem followed by a week of celebrating Passover and being arrested for crimes He was innocent of.  Follow the descent from triumph to crucifixion this week with all Christians.

On this day:
2000 - Took Nicole and Laura to soft ball practice.  It must have been just starting up, maybe the first practice - but we loved it.  Nicole and Laura played on city leagues for 9 years and I helped the coach so I was always there.  It's that time of year!  Opening day is just around the corner.

1973 - "Hommy," the Puerto Rican version of the rock opera "Tommy," opened in New York City.  Hommy... really?

Parenting -
Two things I love about this time of year - Holy Week and upcoming baseball.  Holy Week because it is the rebirth of life, the beginning of Christ's work here on earth and our promise of life eternal.  I get to listen to Superstar.  Baseball means Spring.  Of course we have had snow both on Easter and Opening Day - but still.  Best memories of being a mom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

To be honest, I didn’t remember a lot about that class, except how loud and strong the Pastor was when he spoke to us about our lessons.  I do, in fact remember the lessons, which proved to be of great use to me later.  There were many times in my teenage years that I prayed and remembered that God was always with you and answered prayer.  I forgot that sometime he said no.
Juneau Alaska
How about some shopping?  Last few days to pick up souvenirs! 

Juneau Shopping

Glacier Silt Soap
    I'm sure there are other places but I like this one!  Soap to take home!
    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015 Saturday got this right today

Get Fit
Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  Get moving!

Ephesians 2:17-18 "So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Sprit to the Father."  The inclusion of all of His people is God's wish for us.  Make a gesture of love and peace to one person today.

On this day;
1991 - Nicole was 5.  In the morning she went to Joe's house to play, then to Andrew's birthday party and brought Craig home with her and he stayed for dinner.  Carmen came over after dinner too.  She always chose boys to play with and so did I when I was her age.  Most of my best friends have been male, Nicole too.

1991 - The U.S. embassy in Moscow was severely damaged by fire. hmmmmmm?

Parenting/Family - Many of my female friends have told me that they also preferred the company of boys growing up.  They were more involved with the action, experience and pretense of play.  They invented better games.  I don't think it is a precursor to detecting your child's sexual preference though.  But, my cousins son was very into fashion from a very early age, picked out his moms clothes to wear to work, including jewelry and went on to a career in dance.  Some people think if you "get it early enough" you can altar the decision.  Decision to what?  Make them question who they are?  Live a lifestyle they don't belong in?  Nicole, Marcus and other cousins from both sides of my heritage are living the life they are entitled to.  I hope the world becomes smart enough to realize this.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     We would occasionally skip class and go the Cunningham drug store on the corner of Greenfield and Grand River.  When Pastor would say we would take a short recess Judy and I would sneak up the stairs from the basement out the door by the parking lot and across the Federal Store parking lot, up Greenfield a ½ block and into the Cunningham drugstore for a coffee and a smoke, but Juliette never did, she became my seeable conscience.  I don’t think much got past the Pastor but I don’t remember being chastised for it.  Juliette later told me he talked to us on a number of occasions.  I have selective hearing and remembering. 
Juneau Alaska  Just a few more days, anything we missed?  How about cuisine?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable ! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27, 2015 Thursday

Get Fit
Pilates today.  Saw a great ad in a magazine - "blah blah blah.....just exercise!"  I'm not a trainer or a professional.  I just know exercising keeps me in good spirits, feeling good and focused.  Why wouldn't you want that for yourself?

Ephesians 2:14-16  Is about Christ making peace between us, and supplying us with peace in our souls, but only we can keep the peace between us.  Maya Angelou writes "Love recognizes no barriers.  It jumps, hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."  Erecting walls creates hostility between people.  Again - love one another.

On this day;
1988 - My niece Merri was in the hospital with stomach problems.  She was only 11 and I don't recall what the diagnosis was.  Wish I had paid more attention - I think kids or friends remember when you don't come to visit at times like that.  I had Lindsey, Aaron and Nicole at my house and had dinner for Andy and Alice when they came back from the hospital to pick up Lindsey.  It is very comforting to have family/friends with you when health issues come up, especially kids.  I had erected a wall/barrier with Adele after the divorce from my brother.  It was just recently torn down.

1988 - The U.S. Senate ratified the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Anybody?  look it up.

Parenting/family - Fences make good neighbors?  I had a neighbor that put up a fence when they moved into the house next to me.  The previous neighbor, Sue and I never needed a fence.  The new neighbor didn't feel safe enough yet and wrapped little piece of barb wire to the top, put broken glass around the bottom and sticks standing up with dog feces on them.  She was from a different country.  I went over and explained to her that if someone's child got hurt she would be held accountable.  She assured me that my kids were welcome in her yard, she just worried about others invading her property.  Her niece convinced her to take down the war zone and all was well. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

     While attending Catechism, Judy and I made one new friend, Juliette.  She seemed more suited to church school then we were, but still went a long for our shenanagans.  She was pretty girl with long dark curly hair, and I think she picked me to be her friend.  Her parents were both deaf and she always had a lot of responsibility with her family because of that.  She had two little sisters that she looked after also.  I thought it was cool that when you went to her house, instead of the ding dong, from the door bell, the lights flashed.  She went to another school but eventually we were all at the same high school, so our friendship continued.
Juneau Alaska
When it comes to connecting, no state capital beats Juneau.
And it’s not just because this may well be the nation’s most wired capital, with cutting-edge tools to help citizens all over Alaska stay in touch with their capital without ever having to leave home.
It’s because the people of Juneau are, well, remarkably friendly. Which is just what you might expect from one of the world’s most beaitiful capital cities.
In short, residents of Juneau will talk with just about any visitor who has any question about life in Juneau. They are proud to serve as the seat of state government and are looking forward to the next 100 years of service as Alaska’s capital city.
And Juneau is diverse. From the public servant and private industry professional, to fishermen, miners and all those in between, Juneau-ites, like your state capital, are friendly, accessible, and committed to serving as Alaska’s capital.
There’s much that a visitor might expect: bagels, coffee and an award-winning brewery. And much that comes as a complete surprise: the city, you see, is in a rain forest. Tongass National Forest, to be exact. It’s the nation’s largest, and records more than 90 inches of rainfall every year.
To get a taste of all aspects of Juneau culture, visit the Alaska State Museum and Juneau-Douglas City Museum, both located in the Capital City.
For another important look inside Juneau’s thriving cultural community, the Sealaska Heritage Institute’s “Celebration” brings Southeast Alaska’s indigenous native cultures together every two years for one of the largest events of its kind.
Water is a big part of life in Juneau. From commercial and sport fishing, as well as fishing for subsistence, to diving, sailing and marine life viewing, this coastal community takes advantage of the nearby Inside Passage waterway and all it has to offer.
Of course, the best way to get to know Juneau culture is to experience it for yourself. A great place to start: The Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau. Here are a few things to look into for our last few days here!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Linda! Jennifer and Tim!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015 Thursday

Get Fit
Did a little weight lifting this morning.  I am not a fan of cold weather so I am waiting for the warm up to get some walking in.  Get your spring program going!

Ephesians 2:12-13.  This is reminding us that once we were outsiders, heathens not accepted by the Israelis who were God's people.  Then Jesus came and told us we were welcome, invited into the circle of believers by God's grace.  Some people still feel that they are outsiders.  Think about welcoming someone in today to the "inner circle".  God's grace is available to all - not selective.

On this day:
1987 - Nicole was not quite 2 and I had gone back to work at Quality a couple days a week, to pay for our health insurance.  I dropped her off at my Mom's house on most of those days where she was well cared for and loved.  And spoiled.  Mom would have been 65 then, so it must have been an effort to look after a child that age, but I don't remember her complaining.  I need to remember this.

1910 - The U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the 1907 Immigration Act that barred criminals, paupers, anarchists and carriers of disease from settling in the U.S.  What happened to this? “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe Emma Lazarus On the statue of Liberty?  Think about it now!

Parenting - I spent the day yesterday with Mom to acclimate her to her new surroundings at the new nursing home.  By some of the things that have happened in the last couple days, I am affirmed that we made the right choice.  I just want to know that she is as well taken care of as the grandchild I entrusted to her care 28 years ago.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)  Coming soon to a bookstore near you!

     Do you remember the chorus of Mr Custer by Larry Verne?  We sang that going in.
     Judy and I sat as far back as we could to remain an invisible as possible.  We both slouched in our seats, as many others did and never made eye contact with Pastor lest he ask us a question.  The trick was to not have him realize we had no religious training prior to this.  We hadn’t been raised in Sunday School as many others there had.  Other than a children’s Bible story book, I had no previous education, neither did Judy.  This class was children that did not attend the school at Holy Cross, we went to the public school.  Many of the kids had attended Sunday School there though and so they had friends in class.  Judy and I were on our own, and kind of outcasts.  I think Pastor knew that and rather than embarrass us, he left us to quietly sit with our own thoughts.  In his higher understanding he probably knew the information he was imparting to us would eventually come in handy and we would remember.  I did.
Juneau Alaska

Night Life

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015 Wednesday

Jillian can really kick your ass.  Circuit training.  I only made it through the first two circuits today.

Ephesians 6:23-24  I like the words shared by Nikolai F.S. Grundtvig on this study:
     Peace within the church still dwells
in our welcomes and farewells
and through God's baptismal pow'r
peace surrounds our dying hour.
Peace be with you, full and free
now and through eternity.  Amen

On this day:
1984 - Things had changed at the Lodge (my house) Andy and Alice got married the month before and moved into their own home.  Mark and I were getting married the next month, but I guess I was still into cooking for a crowd.  I had put a turkey in the oven and Mark decided we would go visit some friends and stop at the bar on the way home.  We ended up with a crowd for the turkey dinner.  I love feeding people.  How about you?  Would you rather feed or be fed?

 1898 - The Intercollegiate Trapshooting Association was formed in New York City. This is for you Don.

Family - Moving my Mom from rehab to nursing home today.  I feel better about this decision after finding her in a compromising situation yesterday that called for assistance and in the face of my own medical situation.  Sometimes God knows best.  We will try to make the transfer and her surroundings as familiar and comfortable as possible.  I must say, so far, she is handing this well, except yesterday when I told her I had to pick her up and drive her to the next place, she said "GREAT we can just keep going".  Nicole had to be at a conference in Howell today for her new job but she strongly suggested I ask someone to help me today.  As usual I declined help.  Wish me luck.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)
     My friend Judy, by coincidence was Lutheran also.  Her parents traded off driving us to the church on Saturdays.  I don’t recall her and her parents ever going to church on Sunday, although my mother assured me that you had to be in church every Sunday if you wanted to be confirmed. Her Mom and Dad were, I thought, very fun and happy people.  I thought they had more interest in style and the fashion of the day and reminded me of a television family.   Her dad was always the one to drive us when it was their turn, now that I think about it, I don’t think her mom drove.  But we marched in to the new school addition, to the basement class room, every week. 
Juneau Alaska
ACRC Brown Bag Seminar
Wed 3/25
ACRC Brown Bag Seminar: "Marmots and climate change: Known knowns and unknown knowns" noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 25 at Juneau Forestry
Hey!  This is today!  Want to go?  I do.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris and Don !

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015 Tuesday

Stretching and strengthening exercises from the physical therapist.  I can plank for 1st time  minute, then 2nd for 40 seconds and 3rd for 30 seconds.  Building slowly.

Ephesians 6:19-20 -This is about praying that we can share the Gospel BOLDLY.   Todays Christians are weak.  Yes we get insulted when someone says we can't pray in public places, but do we ever?  We are inflamed when the devil cuts off heads of 30 Christians, but do we take to the streets?  I know some people that speak out about the Gospel, telling anyone that listens about their Savior Jesus Christ.  I admit, I fall to the side of Christ and his peaceful manner.  But I do believe the best way to support our faith is through the church. 

On this day;
1982 - My friend Chuck from Florida sent me a plane ticket to New Orleans for a boat race.  My friend Ty was just moving into my spare bedroom.  I came down with Bronchitis and the flu.  Went to my friend Doc Hyland every other day for a week for a shot. I had to cancel the trip to the boat race, stayed home and ate Ty's chicken soup and watched movies.  What would I do without my friends?  Fortunately I haven't had to find out, they are all mostly still there.

1982 - Soviet leader Leonid L. Brezhnev stated that Russia was willing to resume border talks with China. Trying to make friends?

Family Between trying to get my mom settled in a permanent residence and all that goes with that I ended up having my own health issues.  I'm usually in charge and take care of what I need to, but yesterday zapped me.  My daughter and my brother and friends were quick to set up the safety net and hold me up.  That's what loved ones do, and I appreciate them so much.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

          What in the World’s Come over you? by Jack Scott
     Every Saturday morning I had to go to Catechism class.  Mom was Missouri Synod Lutheran and when we moved back into the city in 1955 she found a large church close to the house and we began regular attendance.  Chain Gang by Sam Cooke comes to mind here.   Adam had never had to attend Catechism classes, so I found it difficult to understand why I had to sit in a class for 3 hours on my Saturday morning and THEN have to attend church on Sunday.  The class was run by the Pastor, who had 6 kids of his own, so you couldn’t really get away with anything.  There were 30 or so kids in that class every Saturday morning during the school year for 3 hours for 2 years. 
Juneau Alaska

Around town for Tuesday, March 24

Posted: March 24, 2015 - 12:02am

Valley Toastmasters meeting, 6:15 a.m., every Tuesday, St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Parish Hall. Public invited. Details: Jim, 789-3074.
Open Lab Computer Training, 8:30-10 a.m., The Learning Connection, 210 Ferry Way. Individual and small group instruction available for computer skills and online job search guidance. Free.
English as a Second Language, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Learning Connection-Gruening Park, 1800 Northwood Drive, Apt. G-49.
Rotary Club of Juneau meeting, noon every Tuesday, Baranof Hotel.
Senior Center lunch, noon, Douglas Methodist Church. $5/10. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Details: 463-6175.
“Tuesday Noon Serenity” Al-Anon family group, 12:05-12:55 p.m. every Tuesday, Resurrection Lutheran Church library, 740 W. 10th St. Details: Barbra, 790-1029.
New parents group, 1-2:30 p.m. every Tuesday, Juneau Family Health and Birth Center. Free. Meet other new parents and share the joys and challenges of parenthood. Topics change weekly. Details: 586-1203.
English as a Second Language class, 2 p.m., The Learning Connection, 210 Ferry Way. Free.
Here are some things to do today!  English as a second language?  Must be for Eskimos?  Thank God for churches!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 Monday

Yoga -- Everyone is doing it.  Don't talk yourself out of it, get a video or join a class.  No one starts out being good at it, and it isn't a competition.  You begin trying to achieve a position to the best of your ability and get better as you go.  I have never taken a class, I should after doing the videos for 20 years.  I think yoga and pilates are my favorites.  The stretch, balance and agility are so worth trying.

Ephesians chapter 6:18 - This is about praying.  Prayer is simply talking to God.  Pour out your heart, ask for help.  Pray for yourself and pray for others.  Be diligent. Pray.  God is listening. 

On this day;
1980 - I came home from my ex-husbands home after a get together of all our old friends from the 60's.  It was fun but I got home to my latest ex of the 70's asking where I had been.  I try to never question the drama young women are going through on social media - I wrote the book.

1839 - The first recorded printed use of "OK" [oll korrect] occurred in Boston's Morning Post. Always wondered where this abbreviation came from, is that German? 

Parenting - Parents can leave a legacy of good in their offspring. I went to a funeral/celebration of life of a woman who was 99, and was described as a prayer warrior.  Her request for her funeral was "don't make it about me".  She was a faithful servant of the Lord and wanted all praise to His name, not hers.  Her daughter Sue is the same, not because Mom shaped her to be, but because it was too good a roll model to not follow.  Prayer warrior, wonderful.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     The basement was semi-finished, with red and white check tiles on the floor that even had a shuffle- board printed on them.  Dad had gotten a full size standard pool table that took up a good portion of one section, but there was an ell shape at the end of the room with a real fireplace and a few second hand couches in front of it.  There was still room at the side for my brother Adam and his friends to set up their instruments for the band they played in. Dad also had a workroom in the middle and the other end was the laundry and a half bath.  It was a great basement that saw a lot of action, but not for Dad.
Juneau Alaska recent news stories



Latest News

Yes, again: Gastineau Apartments catch fire 

updated 2:52pm
It wasn't as bad as the first time. Shortly before 7 p.m. Saturday, Capital City Fire/Rescue entered a building familiar to everyone in Juneau: The Gastineau Apartments were on fire again.
 Read More

PSA: Annual water valve cleaning notice

The city is performing its annual cleaning and exercising of its water valves, according to a public service announcement from City and Borough of Juneau Water Utility office Thursday.

Lost hikers signal searchers with headlamp

Two Juneau residents hiking West Glacier Trail on Thursday didn't expect to need a headlamp for their afternoon jaunt down to the face of the Mendenhall Glacier. They brought one anyway.
Juneau Mountain Rescue members say that's a good thing.

Police seek driver who hit signage

Juneau police are asking the public to help them find the driver who crashed into and destroyed the sign for Kodzoff Acres mobile home park in the Mendenhall Valley.

Police raid club of activist who quit on air

ANCHORAGE - Anchorage police served search warrants at marijuana activist Charlo Greene's Alaska Cannabis Club after receiving reports of illegal marijuana sales.

Permanent Fund Corporation not immune to DST impact

At 4:45 a.m., when most of Juneau is still fast asleep, the Permanent Fund Corporation offices downtown are springing to life and traders are ready to start the workday.

A short-term fix with potential long-term problems

Melinda Messmer reaches into a large blue tote to pull out a wooden block, and another, and another. She also extracts some dinosaurs. She's a little bit like Mary Poppins, but her official title is Parent Educator.

Walker weighs in on session

Gov. Bill Walker is experiencing the legislative session as the state's head honcho for the first time - and with fewer than 30 days remaining, there's a lot still to play out.

SlackTide: A marriage based on intercourse

I've been living with the same woman for nearly 15 years now - more than 70 percent of my adult life - and if pressed to identify the key to our domestic bliss, I'd sum it up in one word: intercourse.
Ahem. VERBAL intercourse. Look it up.