Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015 Friday

The bad thing about vhs tapes is that they get old and don't play.  That's what happened today.  After getting all set up to do Abs of Steel the tape wouldn't play.  I used the cleaner tape but it did not work.  By the time I realized it was useless, I lost my ambition.  Well, it will be 50 degrees today and I have told myself I will have to start walking to get in shape for the Scotland tour, so todays the day.

Ephesians 2:4-7  "so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."  Immeasurable, unending in this case, not to end, over pouring of his grace and love to us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Why don't you get some.

On this day;
1981 - It was Friday the 13th, like today.  I am not superstitious but my muffler did fall off my car that day on the way home from work.  My friend Linda and I went out on the town that day also, dinner to Piper's Alley and then Lido's, Brownies.  None of those places are there anymore.  Even Linda moved to Texas.  Memories.

1781 - Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus. 200 years before my muffler fell off. (?)  sorry can't find a link.

Parenting - Tell a child about the planet Uranus, well one that understands body language, and prepare for a lot of bad jokes and a lot of laughs. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    It was not a long ride from our house but I remember it well.  The record store was at Seven Mile and Grand River.  I didn’t spend a lot of time with my dad, especially alone.  He was most often at work or asleep on the couch.  The window was always open part way in the car because he smoked, which meant the person in the passenger or back seat always had a cold draft.  He had never sat in those places that I knew of, so he probably didn’t know that.  No one would ever consider telling or even asking him to close the window, he was the boss.  When we got to the record shop he sat in the car outside waiting for me, listening to the radio and smoking.  He was probably listening to a talk show or hockey, but Mom says he liked music and maybe that’s why he took me to the store that day.

Juneau Alaska - Available realestate.
417 Union St, Haines, AK

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