Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015 Thursday

Get Fit
Did a little weight lifting this morning.  I am not a fan of cold weather so I am waiting for the warm up to get some walking in.  Get your spring program going!

Ephesians 2:12-13.  This is reminding us that once we were outsiders, heathens not accepted by the Israelis who were God's people.  Then Jesus came and told us we were welcome, invited into the circle of believers by God's grace.  Some people still feel that they are outsiders.  Think about welcoming someone in today to the "inner circle".  God's grace is available to all - not selective.

On this day:
1987 - Nicole was not quite 2 and I had gone back to work at Quality a couple days a week, to pay for our health insurance.  I dropped her off at my Mom's house on most of those days where she was well cared for and loved.  And spoiled.  Mom would have been 65 then, so it must have been an effort to look after a child that age, but I don't remember her complaining.  I need to remember this.

1910 - The U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the 1907 Immigration Act that barred criminals, paupers, anarchists and carriers of disease from settling in the U.S.  What happened to this? “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe Emma Lazarus On the statue of Liberty?  Think about it now!

Parenting - I spent the day yesterday with Mom to acclimate her to her new surroundings at the new nursing home.  By some of the things that have happened in the last couple days, I am affirmed that we made the right choice.  I just want to know that she is as well taken care of as the grandchild I entrusted to her care 28 years ago.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)  Coming soon to a bookstore near you!

     Do you remember the chorus of Mr Custer by Larry Verne?  We sang that going in.
     Judy and I sat as far back as we could to remain an invisible as possible.  We both slouched in our seats, as many others did and never made eye contact with Pastor lest he ask us a question.  The trick was to not have him realize we had no religious training prior to this.  We hadn’t been raised in Sunday School as many others there had.  Other than a children’s Bible story book, I had no previous education, neither did Judy.  This class was children that did not attend the school at Holy Cross, we went to the public school.  Many of the kids had attended Sunday School there though and so they had friends in class.  Judy and I were on our own, and kind of outcasts.  I think Pastor knew that and rather than embarrass us, he left us to quietly sit with our own thoughts.  In his higher understanding he probably knew the information he was imparting to us would eventually come in handy and we would remember.  I did.
Juneau Alaska

Night Life

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