Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015 Tuesday

Stretching and strengthening exercises from the physical therapist.  I can plank for 1st time  minute, then 2nd for 40 seconds and 3rd for 30 seconds.  Building slowly.

Ephesians 6:19-20 -This is about praying that we can share the Gospel BOLDLY.   Todays Christians are weak.  Yes we get insulted when someone says we can't pray in public places, but do we ever?  We are inflamed when the devil cuts off heads of 30 Christians, but do we take to the streets?  I know some people that speak out about the Gospel, telling anyone that listens about their Savior Jesus Christ.  I admit, I fall to the side of Christ and his peaceful manner.  But I do believe the best way to support our faith is through the church. 

On this day;
1982 - My friend Chuck from Florida sent me a plane ticket to New Orleans for a boat race.  My friend Ty was just moving into my spare bedroom.  I came down with Bronchitis and the flu.  Went to my friend Doc Hyland every other day for a week for a shot. I had to cancel the trip to the boat race, stayed home and ate Ty's chicken soup and watched movies.  What would I do without my friends?  Fortunately I haven't had to find out, they are all mostly still there.

1982 - Soviet leader Leonid L. Brezhnev stated that Russia was willing to resume border talks with China. Trying to make friends?

Family Between trying to get my mom settled in a permanent residence and all that goes with that I ended up having my own health issues.  I'm usually in charge and take care of what I need to, but yesterday zapped me.  My daughter and my brother and friends were quick to set up the safety net and hold me up.  That's what loved ones do, and I appreciate them so much.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

          What in the World’s Come over you? by Jack Scott
     Every Saturday morning I had to go to Catechism class.  Mom was Missouri Synod Lutheran and when we moved back into the city in 1955 she found a large church close to the house and we began regular attendance.  Chain Gang by Sam Cooke comes to mind here.   Adam had never had to attend Catechism classes, so I found it difficult to understand why I had to sit in a class for 3 hours on my Saturday morning and THEN have to attend church on Sunday.  The class was run by the Pastor, who had 6 kids of his own, so you couldn’t really get away with anything.  There were 30 or so kids in that class every Saturday morning during the school year for 3 hours for 2 years. 
Juneau Alaska

Around town for Tuesday, March 24

Posted: March 24, 2015 - 12:02am

Valley Toastmasters meeting, 6:15 a.m., every Tuesday, St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Parish Hall. Public invited. Details: Jim, 789-3074.
Open Lab Computer Training, 8:30-10 a.m., The Learning Connection, 210 Ferry Way. Individual and small group instruction available for computer skills and online job search guidance. Free.
English as a Second Language, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Learning Connection-Gruening Park, 1800 Northwood Drive, Apt. G-49.
Rotary Club of Juneau meeting, noon every Tuesday, Baranof Hotel.
Senior Center lunch, noon, Douglas Methodist Church. $5/10. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Details: 463-6175.
“Tuesday Noon Serenity” Al-Anon family group, 12:05-12:55 p.m. every Tuesday, Resurrection Lutheran Church library, 740 W. 10th St. Details: Barbra, 790-1029.
New parents group, 1-2:30 p.m. every Tuesday, Juneau Family Health and Birth Center. Free. Meet other new parents and share the joys and challenges of parenthood. Topics change weekly. Details: 586-1203.
English as a Second Language class, 2 p.m., The Learning Connection, 210 Ferry Way. Free.
Here are some things to do today!  English as a second language?  Must be for Eskimos?  Thank God for churches!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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