Saturday, March 14, 2015

March 14, 2015 Saturday

Did some aerobic dancing this morning, for energy.

Ephesians chapter 2:8-9  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God - not the result of works, so that no one may boast.  This is one of my favorite verses.

On this day;
1982 - My friend Ty was separating from his wife and asked if he could move into one of my empty bedrooms till he decided what he wanted to do.  I, of course said sure and we sealed the deal by going to the show and saw "Chariots of Fire"  Can you remember the theme from that movie?  It was a great movie but always reminds me of that time with Ty and starting the next chapter in his life and our friendship.  It worked out great for him and my friend Norma.

1914 - Henry Ford announced the new continuous motion method to assemble cars. The process decreased the time to make a car from 12½ hours to 93 minutes. That was quite a feat!  wow.

Parenting - A bunch of us, parents and adult children went to play Fowling last night and had a great polish meal in Hamtramck.  Fowling is throwing a football at bowling pins across a non identifiable lane at two ends, with two teams.  Interesting game and a lot of fun was had.  Glad I took that Aleve before bed last night. A little dangerous though.  If you want to try it, hurry up, thinking it will get cancelled because of liabilities.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

When I opened the door to the record store I heard He’ll Have to Go by Jim Reeves playing on the overhead speakers.   I could see people in the little sound proof booths listening to music.  Some had far away looks in their eyes while some of the girls had their heads back and their eyes closed, lost in the music.  I never worked up the nerve to go into a booth, but I always wanted to.  It seemed like I was not old enough or not cool enough or something.  I found the top 100 hits and starting going through the racks finding Running Bear by Johnny Preston, Teen Angel by Mark Dinning and I’m Sorry by Brenda Lee.  All of the music was about finding love and losing love, that’s all we were about in those days.  My reverie was broken by the door dinging every time someone walked into the store, and it dinged often.   Every person in that record store was looking for that special artist or song that defined who they were.  Mine were all love songs. 
Juneau Alaska
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Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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