Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015 Thursday

Used the weights today.  If you don't have weights you can sue milk bottles filled with water, or even 1 lb cans of anything.  Start slow and work up.

Ephesians 4:26-27  Be angry  but do no sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil.  Forgiving is the best way to deal with anger.  Something else you have to practice and build up to.

On this day;
1998  The boss was having a bad day.  He was in the throes of divorce from his wife and oldest son Robert.  Not sure which was the hardest, oh now I remember it was the separation from his money.  That sounds harsh, but when going through divorce you won't admit you will miss them, but your possessions are another story.  I stood by him and tried to offer support and even drank with him when necessary.  Too bad it was not reciprocal.  BUT I forgive him, but obviously haven't forgot.

1998 - NASA announced that an orbiting craft had found enough water on the moon to support a human colony and rocket fueling station. Do you remember this?  I don't.  Wow.

Parenting -
The very worse thing about divorce is what it does to the family. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     “Let me read the newspaper here, before dinner, ok? 
     That was my dismissal to leave him sitting behind the paper with the thin trail of smoke rising up behind it.
Juneau Alaska

20th century[edit]

In 1911, the United States Congress authorized funds for the building of a capitol building for the Alaska Territory. Because of World War I, construction was delayed, and there were difficulties purchasing the necessary land. Local citizens of Juneau donated some of the required funds, and construction began on September 8, 1929. Construction of the capitol took less than two years, and the building was dedicated as the Federal and Territorial Building on February 14, 1931. The design of the building was drawn up by Treasury Department architects in the Art Deco architectural style. The building was originally used by the federal government in order to house the federal courthouse and post office. Once Alaska gained statehood in 1959, the building has been used by the state government

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark!

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