Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015 Saturday

Did some weight lifting with Denise Austin.  She's the "if you rest your rust" girl.

Peter 1 & 2 - Because I was awake most of the night.  Peter tells us to live the life of a Christian and not get sucked back into the sinful mainstream of selfishness, greed and crime that leads to a bad end. It is difficult for people that see all the glitz and glamor, the cars and clothes and all that goes with it on TV - 24/7.  We want what they have.  You just need to look at how successful at being happy those same people are.  Looks are deceiving.  Love, real love for one another is the true key and the true way to peace and happiness. 

On this day;
My boyfriend of the time, Pete was going through with his dad, what we all seemed destined to.  Our parents age and need to be helped.  Pete's dad had Alzheimer's and it progressed really quick.  He forgot how to speak English,he only spoke German and thought his wife was his old girlfriend Barbara.  She would get upset and threaten to throw him out into the street.  Pete had to go stay the night at his moms.  He tried to bring him here but he would get angry with me when I could not speak German to him. 

1906 - Ohio passed a law that prohibited hazing by fraternities after two fatalities.  This is ongoing huh?

Family/parenting -
The reason I was up last night with enough time to read 1 & 2 Peter was because of my Mom. It is what Pete was doing in the 70's.  I don't feel like I have handled this as well as I should have.  Unfortunately, money is the prime reason.  I agreed to put her into a Medicaid nursing home, that is close to the house - because I'm there so often.  I could have chosen a better place farther away, but then I might not have stopped in as much.  What do you think?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     The average cost of a new home in that year(1960)  was $16,500.00, ours might have been a little more.  We moved out of a little 3 bedroom shingled house that Dad had rented when we moved back into the city from Clarkston where we lived on a lake.  We lived in the rental on Coyle for a couple of years while the new house was being built. The brand new house was in a nice area of northwest Detroit, a really nice three bedroom brick home with a basement. My dad had that house built to order, he was very proud of it. 
Juneau Alaska

Travelers are talking about these hotels

These look like some pretty nice places to stay!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Red!

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