Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 7, 2015 Saturday

Pilates with a resistance ring.  Legs, arms and abs workout.  Come on!  Summers coming.

Ephesians chapter 4:30-32  Be kind to one another - we serve God best by serving one another.

On this day:
2008 - I went out to spend the weekend with my old buddy Fitz.  His son was there replacing the microwave.  I asked why and he said Fitz had put a cup of hot water in to make a cup of tea, pushed too many buttons, the water boiled dry  and it caught fire.  Just so you know that can happen and if you have elderly parents living alone, it is something to think about.
1908 - Cincinnati's Mayor Leopold Markbreit announced before the city council that, "Women are not physically fit to operate automobiles." Leopold was mad at his mother for naming him that"

This part of family experiences is not fun.  Mom is in rehab, a nursing care facility.  Everyday I go in she is sitting with her head hanging down and when she sees me tells me to take her home.  I ask if she can take care of herself and not use the wheelchair anymore and she says no.  The social worker said Mom is at a point, because of the dementia, that she can no longer be left alone for any amount of time.  That limits my being able to care for her at home.  It is a terrible situation, that I know many before me have gone through and are going through.  This coming week I have to start the process of looking for a permanent nursing home for her.  I'd rather shoot myself in the foot.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     I could hear my brother Adam playing his guitar in the basement.  He was a natural everyone said.  He could pick up any song he heard on the radio, right away on the guitar.  He was playing Running Bear by Johnnie Preston, one of my favorites, but he would never ask me to sing with him.  There was a five year difference between him and I and although I loved him, almost worshiped him, I also had a healthy (for me) fear of him.  He played with a group of guys from church and anytime anyone asked him to.  He was the family – Elvis, Pat Boone and Frank Sinatra all in one.  It would be years before we came to be on the same page as brother and sister.  We lived in different worlds.
Juneau Alaska
Alaskans thus several times voted on moving their capital, but Juneau remains the capital.[6] Once Alaska was granted statehood in 1959, Juneau grew with the growth of state government. Growth accelerated remarkably after the construction of the Alaska Pipeline in 1977, the state budget being flush with oil revenues; Juneau expanded for a time due to growth in state government jobs, but that growth slowed considerably in the 1980s.[7] The state demographer expects the borough to grow very slowly over the next twenty years.[8] Cruise ship tourism rocketed upward from approximately 230,000 passengers in 1990 to nearly 1,000,000 in 2006 as cruise lines built more and larger ships—even 'mega-ships', sailing to Juneau seven days a week instead of six, over a longer season, but this primarily summer industry provides few year-round jobs. Its population rank in 2000 was second in the state, closely ahead of Fairbanks; recent estimates have Juneau falling back to third, as it was in the 196090 counts.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Be Kind!  Happy Birthday Lisa and Kathy!

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