Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015 Sunday - Palm Sunday

A day of rest.

The Gospel of Mark - Passion Week.  The triumphant entry into Jerusalem followed by a week of celebrating Passover and being arrested for crimes He was innocent of.  Follow the descent from triumph to crucifixion this week with all Christians.

On this day:
2000 - Took Nicole and Laura to soft ball practice.  It must have been just starting up, maybe the first practice - but we loved it.  Nicole and Laura played on city leagues for 9 years and I helped the coach so I was always there.  It's that time of year!  Opening day is just around the corner.

1973 - "Hommy," the Puerto Rican version of the rock opera "Tommy," opened in New York City.  Hommy... really?

Parenting -
Two things I love about this time of year - Holy Week and upcoming baseball.  Holy Week because it is the rebirth of life, the beginning of Christ's work here on earth and our promise of life eternal.  I get to listen to Superstar.  Baseball means Spring.  Of course we have had snow both on Easter and Opening Day - but still.  Best memories of being a mom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

To be honest, I didn’t remember a lot about that class, except how loud and strong the Pastor was when he spoke to us about our lessons.  I do, in fact remember the lessons, which proved to be of great use to me later.  There were many times in my teenage years that I prayed and remembered that God was always with you and answered prayer.  I forgot that sometime he said no.
Juneau Alaska
How about some shopping?  Last few days to pick up souvenirs! 

Juneau Shopping

Glacier Silt Soap
    I'm sure there are other places but I like this one!  Soap to take home!
    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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