Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10, 2015 Tuesday

Yee haw!  started the day with Country Line Dancing with Denise Austin.  Gotta step it up (lol) a little to get ready for the trip to Scotland in August.  I will need to lose a few pounds so I can put them back on while in Scotland. 

Ephesians chapter 5:6-8 These verses refer to Jesus being the light of the world, which He is.  It also tells us that because of Him, we now are not children of the darkness but of the light.  We should walk in this light.  Enlightenment.  A part of your faith that gives you the peace and understanding that you need for this world.

On this day;
2012 - We had our Travelers group get together at the Cornell's.  Don had started joining us too.  We were in Durban South Africa.  The food is really the fun part of this gathering (and of course the drinks)  I remember someone brought Boer Burgers.  It is never a dull evening with this group.

1902 - The Boers of South Africa scored their last victory over the British, when they captured British General Methuen and 200 men.  Here is a little left over info from that locale.

Parenting - Continuing on, visiting a couple of nursing homes today and putting mom's name in, just in case.  My heart feels like a lead brick in my chest.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     “What was the envelope from Idaho University about Adam?”  Mom asked.
     “It said they are considering me for a position on their team in the fall this year and would like me to come and see their campus” Adam said without looking up from his plate.
     “Is that how that happens? They have you come out to Idaho? Do they pay for the trip?”  Mom questioned.
     “I don’t know Mom, and I don’t know if I want to go all the way to Idaho.  I don’t even know what classes I would want to take”   Adam replied.
     Dad didn’t look up or join into the conversation.
Juneau Alaska a little culture;
A salmon-themed stained glass window in the Juneau Public Library illustrates some of the city's heritage.
Juneau is home to Theatre in the Rough, a non-profit theatre company, and Perseverance Theatre, Alaska's only professional theater. The city hosts the annual Alaska Folk Festival and Juneau Jazz & Classics music festivals, and the biennial Celebration. The Juneau Symphony performs regularly. Downtown Juneau boasts dozens of art galleries, which participate in the monthly First Friday Gallery Walk and the enormously popular December Gallery Walk held in the first week of December. The Juneau Arts & Humanities Council coordinates events while fund-raising, distributing some grant money, and operating a gallery at its office in the Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier Street. On summer Friday evenings open-air music and dance performances are held at Marine Park. The University of Alaska Southeast Campus also offers lectures, concerts, and theater performances. Juneau is home to the Juneau Raptor Center, a volunteer-based bird rehabilitation center.
The Juneau Lyric Opera and Opera to Go are the two local opera companies. JLO produces operas in English and Italian and sponsors two annual choral workshop festivals, as well as the touring group the "3 Tenors from Juneau."
Some Juneau artists include violinists Linda and Paul Rosenthal, soprano Kathleen Wayne, bass John d'Armand, baritones Philippe Damerval and David Miller, tenors Jay Query, Brett Crawford and Dan Wayne, Rory Merritt Stitt, pianist Rosie Humphrey, pianist Mary Watson, guitarist John Unzicker, playwright Robert Bruce "Bo" Anderson, and painters Rie Muñoz, David Woodie, Barbara Craver, Rob Roys, Elise Tomlinson, Herb Bonnet and Alaska Native carver and painter James Schoppert. Photographer Ron Klein is a past president of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers.  This sounds like an evening of entertainment to me, have to see whats playing this month.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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