Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 Monday

Yoga -- Everyone is doing it.  Don't talk yourself out of it, get a video or join a class.  No one starts out being good at it, and it isn't a competition.  You begin trying to achieve a position to the best of your ability and get better as you go.  I have never taken a class, I should after doing the videos for 20 years.  I think yoga and pilates are my favorites.  The stretch, balance and agility are so worth trying.

Ephesians chapter 6:18 - This is about praying.  Prayer is simply talking to God.  Pour out your heart, ask for help.  Pray for yourself and pray for others.  Be diligent. Pray.  God is listening. 

On this day;
1980 - I came home from my ex-husbands home after a get together of all our old friends from the 60's.  It was fun but I got home to my latest ex of the 70's asking where I had been.  I try to never question the drama young women are going through on social media - I wrote the book.

1839 - The first recorded printed use of "OK" [oll korrect] occurred in Boston's Morning Post. Always wondered where this abbreviation came from, is that German? 

Parenting - Parents can leave a legacy of good in their offspring. I went to a funeral/celebration of life of a woman who was 99, and was described as a prayer warrior.  Her request for her funeral was "don't make it about me".  She was a faithful servant of the Lord and wanted all praise to His name, not hers.  Her daughter Sue is the same, not because Mom shaped her to be, but because it was too good a roll model to not follow.  Prayer warrior, wonderful.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     The basement was semi-finished, with red and white check tiles on the floor that even had a shuffle- board printed on them.  Dad had gotten a full size standard pool table that took up a good portion of one section, but there was an ell shape at the end of the room with a real fireplace and a few second hand couches in front of it.  There was still room at the side for my brother Adam and his friends to set up their instruments for the band they played in. Dad also had a workroom in the middle and the other end was the laundry and a half bath.  It was a great basement that saw a lot of action, but not for Dad.
Juneau Alaska recent news stories



Latest News

Yes, again: Gastineau Apartments catch fire 

updated 2:52pm
It wasn't as bad as the first time. Shortly before 7 p.m. Saturday, Capital City Fire/Rescue entered a building familiar to everyone in Juneau: The Gastineau Apartments were on fire again.
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PSA: Annual water valve cleaning notice

The city is performing its annual cleaning and exercising of its water valves, according to a public service announcement from City and Borough of Juneau Water Utility office Thursday.

Lost hikers signal searchers with headlamp

Two Juneau residents hiking West Glacier Trail on Thursday didn't expect to need a headlamp for their afternoon jaunt down to the face of the Mendenhall Glacier. They brought one anyway.
Juneau Mountain Rescue members say that's a good thing.

Police seek driver who hit signage

Juneau police are asking the public to help them find the driver who crashed into and destroyed the sign for Kodzoff Acres mobile home park in the Mendenhall Valley.

Police raid club of activist who quit on air

ANCHORAGE - Anchorage police served search warrants at marijuana activist Charlo Greene's Alaska Cannabis Club after receiving reports of illegal marijuana sales.

Permanent Fund Corporation not immune to DST impact

At 4:45 a.m., when most of Juneau is still fast asleep, the Permanent Fund Corporation offices downtown are springing to life and traders are ready to start the workday.

A short-term fix with potential long-term problems

Melinda Messmer reaches into a large blue tote to pull out a wooden block, and another, and another. She also extracts some dinosaurs. She's a little bit like Mary Poppins, but her official title is Parent Educator.

Walker weighs in on session

Gov. Bill Walker is experiencing the legislative session as the state's head honcho for the first time - and with fewer than 30 days remaining, there's a lot still to play out.

SlackTide: A marriage based on intercourse

I've been living with the same woman for nearly 15 years now - more than 70 percent of my adult life - and if pressed to identify the key to our domestic bliss, I'd sum it up in one word: intercourse.
Ahem. VERBAL intercourse. Look it up.

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