Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015 Monday

Pilates for Dummies today.  I can't push Pilates enough, really gives you core strength.

Ephesians 5:10-14  Awake from the darkness.  If you are in darkness all the time you do not know what the light offers.  You can't see those things that you will forever miss, if you go back into the darkness.  Jesus is the light that shines on your peace and your future.

On this day;
1986 - It was my brother Andy's birthday and we were all there for cake/pie.  Nicole was not quite a year old and surprised us by taking her first steps for Uncle Andy.  Happy Birthday.

1521 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippines. He was killed the next month by natives. This seems very sad.

Family - This week will be spent going through the process of finding a good place for Mom.  I can't really thing of too much else right now.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
      I was so glad people couldn’t see inside my head and know that I was remembering that day.  I found my records and stood in line to pay for them.  Head down, sneaking peeks at the other people.  I wish I were cooler looking and had a coat like that girl.  Her hair was so pretty too.  Mine might still have had remnants of a permanent my mother gave me.  I wonder if I could ever get mine to flip back like hers, and maybe get it bleached instead of this blah blond color it was.  Finally, I reached the cash register and paid for my purchases.  DING!  The register went, the drawer slammed and he counted out my change.  I walked out to my Dad and his 1959 Oldsmobile station wagon.

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Andy!

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