Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 8, 2015 Sunday Daylight Savings Time begins Spring forward!

Will be going to church in a while.

Ephesians chapter 5:1-2 "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

On this Day;
2010 - I was still the youth director at church and we had youth night on Monday, which is what it was.  David wasn't a big conversationalist but we loved to play ping pong.  We didn't play well, a lot of laughing and chasing, most often trying to hit each other with the ball - laughing a lot.  I miss him, he moved to Florida to his dream job at Disney and college.  Love that kid.

1909 - Pope Pius X lifted the church ban on interfaith marriages in Hungary. Really?  I remember not being able to date Catholic boys because I was Lutheran in the 1960's.

The extreme of dating a Catholic boy was a guy named Enzo that I dated in 1965.  His parents were from Italy and his mother would not even look at me, like I was invisible, because I was not Catholic.  Needless to say our relationship was doomed.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     An hour later, Mom must have had an instinct as to when it was ok to tell him dinner was ready.  She called out to us that we should come to the kitchen.  There wasn’t an awful lot you could do to arrange furniture in the kitchen. The end of the table was against the wall, and Dad sat by the wall with Mom next to him.  Adam sat across the table from Dad and I sat across from Mom.  Martin was still in a highchair at the end of the table so Mom and I could help him with his food.  He wouldn’t turn 3 until next month, March.  We were having my favorite - spaghetti and meatballs.  Our dinners were always very quiet, with little talking.  Dad didn’t like conversation at the table, he said he couldn’t digest his food with a lot of noise going on.  Mom and Adam were the only ones that got away with talking.  Maybe my voice was irritating.
Junea Alaska
As the capital of Alaska, the primary employer in Juneau, by a large margin, is government. This includes the federal government, state government, municipal government (which includes the local airport, hospital, harbors, and school district), as well as the University of Alaska Southeast. State government offices and their indirect economic impact compose approximately one-quarter of Juneau's economy.[22]
Downtown tourists
Another large contributor to the local economy, at least on a part-time basis, is the tourism industry. In 2005, the cruise ship industry was estimated to bring nearly one million visitors to Juneau for up to 11 hours at a time, between the months of May and September.[23] While cruise ships do provide an economic boost to segments of the economy, not all locals are appreciative. The Juneau Public Library, built atop a parking garage along South Franklin Street near the Red Dog Saloon, was designed to take advantage of the view of and across Gastineau Channel. This view is often blocked by docking cruise ships, which tower over the five-story structure. Bill Ray, who lived in Juneau from 1938 to 2000 and represented the community in the Alaska Legislature from 1965 to 1987, was rather blunt in expressing his disdain when he paid a return visit in 2003: "Juneau doesn't go forward. They've prostituted themselves to tourism. It looks like a poor man's Lahaina".[24]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Anthony!

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