Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015 Sunday

Exercised my brain with the Sunday crossword.  I do the newspaper crossword every morning, extremely habitual person.  "They" say it is good to do puzzles to keep your mind sharp.  Mine is like a butter knife.

Haven't been to church yet, but I like this reading from Ephesians 6: 15-17:
As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the Gospel of peace.  With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.  Were you wondering what to wear today?

On this day:
1979 - This was back when I worked at Quality Picture Frame in Oak Park.  We set up a space at the Home and Garden Show and later at the Condo show.  We had frames and print bins and framed artwork.  I don't think it was a big money maker for us but it got our name out there.  We did all of JL Hudson's framing then, but we were always looking for ways to expand.  The shows were usually 10 days or so and I worked 13 hour days down there, but I really loved it.  It was a hot party atmosphere and I met a lot of fun people there.  I can't believe I wore high heels all day at those shows, way to vain to put on "comfortable" shoes.

1622 - Indians attacked a group of colonist in the James River area of Virginia. 347 residents were killed.  I'm guessing the colonists started it.  Anybody really know?  Ok I checked , it was in retaliation for steeling all the prime riverfront property, but their tactics were interesting.  look it up.

My neighbors came by last night.  I had called them because I wondered how their quest of becoming foster parents was going.  They have tried for years to have a child but it wasn't in God's plan apparently.  He is now heading them in another direction.  There are so many children out there that need love and care, this couple will be wonderful! 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties:

When we got home from the record store I ran into the house and flew down the basement stairs to play my new records and sing into an invisible mic to my invisible boyfriend. The poles in the basement served for my dance partner for the fast dances.  But when we danced to Where or When by Dion and the Belmonts or an equally good slow tune I had a great imagination.  My partner, Joey was a smooth dancer and held me tight.  I could close my eyes and imagine him leading me around the basement. The crowd around us gave us plenty of room because we were so good and they would applaud when we finished the dance.  If Mom came down to do some laundry or something I would just sing and sit on the arm of the couch, like I was just enjoying listening.

Juneau Alaska Travel GuideJuneau Alaska:   Watch some of the Videos from Juneau! so interesting!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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