Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 15, 2015 Sunday

Christ Lutheran Church - Pastor Beebe is great.  He had maybe 15-20 kids for kid time up at the altar and asked them their names, then asked them if  they had any brothers or sisters.  He picked a girl he knew had no brothers and when she said so - he asked the congregation if she had any brothers.  Most of the men raised their hands and then of course asked a boy about sister with the same response from the women.  We are family in Christ, as he went on to say in his sermon. 

On this day;
1984 - So my friend Ty moved in and started dating my friend Norma.  Then my brother Andy moved in and started dating Alice.  Then I met my husband Mark and we all got married and everyone got their own home, but for a while we were all brothers and sisters having a great time.  On this day Norma and I were making dinner for a celebration for Andy's birthday.  They mixed a batch or two of slurpees and I don't know what happened after that.  I'm sure there was cake.

1934 - Henry Ford restored the $5 a day wage This was a great deal for people - black and white and women as well.  It was indiscriminant.  It was one of the building blocks of the Detroit middle class. It didn't do away with discrimination though.

Parenting - We went out to dinner with Sara and Kostya last night.  They are my cousin Darryl's children, so Nicole's cousins.  We don't see a lot of each other but keep in contact on Facebook.  Kostya was adopted by Darryl and his wife and basically abandoned to foster care later.  Sara mentioned that her mother prayed for her to be straight as her and Nicole are both gay.  I said I don't bother with that.  It would be like praying your child has blue eyes vs brown eyes or black hair vs red hair.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties:

The movies of the day echoed the same thing.  Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, they make up and get married and live happily ever after.  The King and I from 1956, with Yul Bryner was one of my favorites.  I imagined myself as Deborah Kerr, the nanny to the king.  In the privacy of my bedroom or the basement I would put on a full dress of moms and waltz around with my invisible Yul, laughing and singing with my head tossed back and my mouth open in a silent laughter.  That movie also nourished my desire to be a teacher.  I would line up all my dolls and read them stories.  To be a nanny to the King of Siam, well that would have been a dream come true.  Shall we dance?  Oh!  I’m still in the record store.  I am such a daydreamer.
Juneau Alaska:
Because of its ideal location between the base of Mount Juneau and the Gastineau Channel, the Southeastern Alaskan city of Juneau has been the home of Native American fisherman, European fur traders, and American gold prospectors. Now a free-spirited state capital, Juneau is the perfect base for a journey into the gorgeous Alaskan wilderness, whether it's for fishing, kayaking, and dog sledding in the National Parks, whale-watching at Icy Strait, or glacier hiking at the Juneau Icefield.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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