Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015 Saturday got this right today

Get Fit
Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  Get moving!

Ephesians 2:17-18 "So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Sprit to the Father."  The inclusion of all of His people is God's wish for us.  Make a gesture of love and peace to one person today.

On this day;
1991 - Nicole was 5.  In the morning she went to Joe's house to play, then to Andrew's birthday party and brought Craig home with her and he stayed for dinner.  Carmen came over after dinner too.  She always chose boys to play with and so did I when I was her age.  Most of my best friends have been male, Nicole too.

1991 - The U.S. embassy in Moscow was severely damaged by fire. hmmmmmm?

Parenting/Family - Many of my female friends have told me that they also preferred the company of boys growing up.  They were more involved with the action, experience and pretense of play.  They invented better games.  I don't think it is a precursor to detecting your child's sexual preference though.  But, my cousins son was very into fashion from a very early age, picked out his moms clothes to wear to work, including jewelry and went on to a career in dance.  Some people think if you "get it early enough" you can altar the decision.  Decision to what?  Make them question who they are?  Live a lifestyle they don't belong in?  Nicole, Marcus and other cousins from both sides of my heritage are living the life they are entitled to.  I hope the world becomes smart enough to realize this.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     We would occasionally skip class and go the Cunningham drug store on the corner of Greenfield and Grand River.  When Pastor would say we would take a short recess Judy and I would sneak up the stairs from the basement out the door by the parking lot and across the Federal Store parking lot, up Greenfield a ½ block and into the Cunningham drugstore for a coffee and a smoke, but Juliette never did, she became my seeable conscience.  I don’t think much got past the Pastor but I don’t remember being chastised for it.  Juliette later told me he talked to us on a number of occasions.  I have selective hearing and remembering. 
Juneau Alaska  Just a few more days, anything we missed?  How about cuisine?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable ! 

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