Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015 Friday AND the first day of SPRING!

Kathy Smith and I did some aerobics together.  Pretty sure she didn't have to step over the cat while she was working out.  I feel like it is an added agility move on my part!

Ephesians chapter 6:12 For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  WOW  this sounds like an uprising.  Arm yourself with peace for the war ahead.

On this day
2012  It got up to 80 degrees.  Everyone is out on a day like that - I sat in the driveway and soaked it up and said hello to all the walkers and dogs that went by.  It won't be 80 but it is getting up into the 50's today here in southeast Michigan.  Get out, get some fresh air, take a walk!  It will get you into the Spring mood! 

1627 - France & Spain signed an accord for fighting Protestantism.They didn't get all of us.

Parenting  A lot of my friends are or have taken care of aging parents.  Last night while out having dinner with friends my mom called from the nursing home and said she needed some clean clothes right away.  It is really no different then the babysitter calling and saying your child is sick.  Hang in there in either circumstance.  You can do this.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     That Plymouth holds one especially bad memory for me.  Dad had taken Martin and I to the store and Martin, being only three wanted to get in the back, where the seat was folded down.  It was only 3 blocks from home and Ralph Nader was sadly missing.   I remember the sick feeling I had when Dad had to stop fast and that little guy fell forward and hit his mouth on the steel frame of the seat I was sitting in.  He broke off both of his front baby teeth.  Needless to say he screamed and I caught hell for not watching him better.  Inside I was yelling at myself, how could I have let that happen to that sweet little guy that I loved so much.  His Jagged front teeth, for the next 4 or so years was a constant reminder of what a horrible big sister I was.  It is an occasion I never forgot.  Every time I got in that car. 
Juneau Alaska Cuisine:

Saffron Indian Comfort Cuisine

Welcome to Saffron.

Saffron brings authentic Indian comfort cuisine to downtown Juneau, Alaska. We use the freshest ingredients, traditional methods, and exceptional service to bring you the best experience possible.
See you tonight at Saffron, Juneau!

112 N. Franklin Street
Juneau, Alaska

11:30am-9:00pm for lunch and dinner
Saturday & Sunday 
5:00pm-9:00pm for dinner  Hey dinner is here tonight!!!
Enjoy the day!  Make  it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dwayne & Andrea!!

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