Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015 Wednesday

Jillian can really kick your ass.  Circuit training.  I only made it through the first two circuits today.

Ephesians 6:23-24  I like the words shared by Nikolai F.S. Grundtvig on this study:
     Peace within the church still dwells
in our welcomes and farewells
and through God's baptismal pow'r
peace surrounds our dying hour.
Peace be with you, full and free
now and through eternity.  Amen

On this day:
1984 - Things had changed at the Lodge (my house) Andy and Alice got married the month before and moved into their own home.  Mark and I were getting married the next month, but I guess I was still into cooking for a crowd.  I had put a turkey in the oven and Mark decided we would go visit some friends and stop at the bar on the way home.  We ended up with a crowd for the turkey dinner.  I love feeding people.  How about you?  Would you rather feed or be fed?

 1898 - The Intercollegiate Trapshooting Association was formed in New York City. This is for you Don.

Family - Moving my Mom from rehab to nursing home today.  I feel better about this decision after finding her in a compromising situation yesterday that called for assistance and in the face of my own medical situation.  Sometimes God knows best.  We will try to make the transfer and her surroundings as familiar and comfortable as possible.  I must say, so far, she is handing this well, except yesterday when I told her I had to pick her up and drive her to the next place, she said "GREAT we can just keep going".  Nicole had to be at a conference in Howell today for her new job but she strongly suggested I ask someone to help me today.  As usual I declined help.  Wish me luck.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)
     My friend Judy, by coincidence was Lutheran also.  Her parents traded off driving us to the church on Saturdays.  I don’t recall her and her parents ever going to church on Sunday, although my mother assured me that you had to be in church every Sunday if you wanted to be confirmed. Her Mom and Dad were, I thought, very fun and happy people.  I thought they had more interest in style and the fashion of the day and reminded me of a television family.   Her dad was always the one to drive us when it was their turn, now that I think about it, I don’t think her mom drove.  But we marched in to the new school addition, to the basement class room, every week. 
Juneau Alaska
ACRC Brown Bag Seminar
Wed 3/25
ACRC Brown Bag Seminar: "Marmots and climate change: Known knowns and unknown knowns" noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 25 at Juneau Forestry
Hey!  This is today!  Want to go?  I do.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris and Don !

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