Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30, 2017 Monday #stayhelathy#keepfaithful#sewing#

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian this morning.  I won't be working out for a while so I'm trying to get as fit as I can now.  I hope to be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.  Truth is I have a spot on my lung that they believe is cancer and are going into the lung surgically tomorrow to remove it.  If you smoke - stop now.  Take care of your health.

Get Faith 
John 16:12-13  "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.  But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth."  Life can be hard.  I try to concentrate on the good in my life, which is much more than the bad but, occasionally there are days, like tomorrow when it is tough to bear.  We need to remember that despite the downfalls we can be lifted up by the Spirit and held up in our faith.  Take care of your faith.

On this day:
1992  I had worked on this day and Mom had picked up Nicole from school and brought her home.  After dinner while watching TV I was working on cross stitching a baby quilt and Nicole, who was 7 at the time wanted to cross stitch too.  I gave her a matching pillow case to work on.  She also liked when Grandma knitted and has tried that off and on over the years.  It is a relaxing thing to have for a habit.  Our children watch what we do and imitate our actions.  What are you showing your children?

1649 - England's King Charles I was beheaded. Some days it is not good to be king.

Wad Medani Sudan to Ystad Sweden
We are moving today, and I'm not to unhappy to be leaving Sudan.  I can only hope and pray that this country will have a change of power, politics, and faith to sustain their country in a more peaceful and fulfilling life style.  We move on to a colder climate but certainly more peaceful place.

Ystad (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈyːsta]) is a town, and the seat of Ystad MunicipalitySkåne CountySweden, with 18,350 inhabitants in 2010.[1]The settlement dates back to the 11th century and the town has become a busy ferryport, local administrative centre and tourist attraction. It is associated with the fictional detective Kurt Wallander whose stories, by Henning Mankell, are set primarily in Ystad and nearby communities.
Main square with town hall Great place to recuperate!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John M.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

January 29, 2017 Sunday #Rest#faithinyouth#shots#facefail#shopping!

Get Fit
It is well known that one of the best things you can do for your health is rest, not like a full time commitment but when you need it.  God knew it and created Sunday to rest.  He did! He rested from his labors of creating the world and heavens and all that there is.

Get Faith
1 Timothy 4:12 " Don't let anyone look down on you because your are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."  I feel like this is somewhat reversed in this day and age.  I am approaching 70 this next month and often feel like younger people discount what I have to say, or just don't listen to me.  I am not sure where this study writer is but I'm astonished at some of her stories.  Her church sounds like something out of a television series.  They are trying another program at our church to match youth with older people and of course I signed up, I hope I have the same experience she writes about.

On this day
1987  Two things stand out on this day.  Kostere, my friend Pete's grandfather died the previous day and I ordered flowers for his funeral.  I had been very close to his family, and they were few in number.  Kostere was 90 or so and had lived an exciting life having skied out of Siberian camp as a young man.  The other thing was I had to take Nicole to the doctor for a DPT shot, she was two.  The other day my niece told me how she had to take 2 month old Hudson for his shots and she cried.  I always did too.

1987 - "Physician’s Weekly" announced that the smile on the face of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa was caused by a "...facial paralysis resulting from a swollen nerve behind the ear." Wow that really takes the aura away from the picture!  

Wad Medani Sudan
Let's look at some souvenirs as we will be leaving here tomorrow.
Let shop here today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday D.J.!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28, 2017 Saturday #Pilates#Trust#Challenger#TomatoSalad!

Get Fit
The best way to build flexibility and strength
Search Community
About Community
A community for those who want to discuss anything and everything about pilates. Any categories you think should be included in the discussion forums, just let us know in the Knock4 Suggestions category!  Here is a link!  Try it!

Get Faith
Psalm 139:23-24  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  Life has a lot of tests and all we can do is keep our hearts and minds in God to care for us and lead us in the right direction.  Trust.

On this day
1986 - It was a regular Monday for most of us.  Nicole was not quite 8 months old, Mom and my brother Mark came over for lunch.  We were probably just trying to get through the boring days of Winter.  The news on Tv said that our Spaceship exploded.  I watched it.  Life can change in an instant.  Enjoy every moment.

1986 - The U.S. space shuttle Challenger exploded just after takeoff. All seven of its crewmembers were killed. 

Wad Medani Sudan
Trying this for tonight's travelers meeting.  Something new.  Sudanese Tomato Salad with peanut butter and lime dressing. Getting close to leaving here and finding our next location.  Maybe I will let the group pick tonight.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kathy and Nate!

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017 Friday#stayfit#free#Kiernan's#Gretzky#Umfitityuck

Get Fit
And stay fit.  I'm pushing the goals this week because I probably will be off exercising for a few weeks.  Today I did some aerobics to get the heart strong and give me something to look forward to while I'm laying around healing.  I am not a good sitter and you shouldn't be either!  Get up and move!

Get Faith
John 8:31-32  Jesus said to them "You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to and you will know the truth, and the truth will set your free".  This brings memory of Martin Luther King to mind. He knew the truth, as a man of God and preached the freedom of being honest and truthful.  It is a gift to live a life that you don't have to hide or lie about.  The truth of the Gospel is the message here.  That Jesus lived and died for you and was resurrected so that you can know life with him and be free.

On this day
1984 - Andy, Alice, Mark and I went to Kiernan's Steak House in Dearborn for dinner and to hear friends of mine, Judy and Tom King perform.  Tom played piano and sang around a lot of Detroit supper clubs in those days and occasionally my friend Judy that I worked with sang with him.  We had a great dinner and too much to drink and my soon to be husband turned into the biggest entertainer singing and making a spectacle of himself.  It was a fun, funny night and a great memory.
If we had the media then that we have now it would have gone viral!

1984 - Wayne Gretzky set a National Hockey League (NHL) record for consecutive game scoring. He ended the streak at 51 games. This would have gone viral too!

Sudan cuisine

Alcoholic beverages[edit]

Sudan is governed under sharia, which bans the purveying, consumption, and purchasing of alcohol. Being lashed 40 times is the penalty for breaking the prohibition on alcohol.[2] Former Sudanese President Gaafar Nimeiry enacted sharia in September 1983, marking the occasion by dumping alcohol into the Nile river.[3] Araqi is an alcoholic gin made from dates, which is illegally brewed in defiance of sharia.[2] Araqi brewers in Sudan continue production despite sharia.[2]  Lets all go to the River, the beautiful the beautiful river.  
Appetizers include Elmaraara and Umfitit, which are made from sheep's offal (including the lungs, liver, and stomach), onions, peanut butter, and salt. They are eaten raw.[1]       I'm sorry, I have not been very uplifting about this country but look what I'm dealing 
with. Have to find something to share with the travelers tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nate and Sharon!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017 Thursday #relax#peace#home#Brazil#delifood

Get Fit
I love the stretching!  It is a must before you work out and a blessing for no reason at all.  This Simple Stretch that I do is 40 minutes and stretched everything so that you are very relaxed.  Enjoying this now and committing it to memory for the weeks to come.

Get Faith
Isaiah 48:12 "Listen to Me, O Jacob, and Israel, My called; I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last."   He is always with us.  This week while waiting for my surgery on next Tuesday, I am psyching myself up for the ordeal.  I have been told what to expect and am aware of the dreaded chest tube (I have had before).  I am practicing relaxation, breathing (which will be hard) and keeping the thoughts in my head that I will need to calm myself.  The study writer reminded me of this one "He gives us peace that's like a smoothly flowing river." Think about that yourself when you are troubled or stressed.  God is good.

On this day
1982 - I listed my house for sale - again.  I have put this house on the market, maybe, 5 times in the last 40 years but no luck.  It is a great house, I love it, still, with a very open floor plan, lots of windows, a beautiful yard and an attached garage.  It is a perfect house for a single woman, which is what I was when I moved in.  There is a reason, I am sure, that I am still here after having a family and raising Nicole here, it is home.  Now that I am retired it is a perfect size and still, very comfortable.  Sometimes God knows best.  I feel like I am meant to stay here.

1500 - Vicente Yáñez Pinzón discovered Brazil. My travelers group has been to Brazil at least once and I remember when I first looked at Brazil and read about it two things stood out.  It is huge, as big as the United States!  The second thing was that here, yet, was another place that Portugal, a very small country, claimed for it's own.  Check it out!

Wad Medani Cuisine
rps20161016_173543_large.jpgThis is what I got when I asked for cuisine.  It looks like watermelon, beef patty, cinamon roll, sausages and coleslaw?  oh and fries.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sarah!  

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017 Wednesday #abvideos#Wait#restock#444days#slaveryisslavery!

Get Fit
If you are looking for an ab workout on line it is difficult to select one - there are millions.  When I woke up this morning my lower back felt a little sore.  I have been sitting way too much.  I pulled out the trusty Abs of Steel video and that worked.  We always think of the abs but they are what support the back!  Watch some of those videos and get going!

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall  mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  I am at that point in life when I am wondering what God wants me to do next.  I have surgery coming up next week so am putting off looking into the things I think would be a good fit for me, but that is not always what God has planned.  The study writer suggested "Linger with Him as long as needed, and be patient while waiting.  After a time, He'll restore your strength."  Perfect advice for me.  Find your answers with God.

On this day
1981  My good friend Christine and her husband bought a beer and wine store up on Auburn road.  It wasn't anything fancy, just an old building with one aisle up the middle, wooden floors and shelves up to the ceiling with everything from applesauce to Zigzag wrappers.  Your one stop shopping.  She hired my brother Mark to work there, which is where he was on this Sunday.  Very often I would fill in to cover the store.  It wasn't bad work, waiting for someone to meander in for a six pack and a loaf of bread.  There was a little Tv and an abundance of pop and junk food - oh and micro wave ready meals to fill the day.  Thanks Christine!   It was an experience.

1981 - The 52 Americans held hostage by Iran for 444 days arrived in the United States and were reunited with their families. And while we lived our quiet mundane lives this happened.  Great ending after over a year in captivity.  I'm sure there is a book if you are interested.  Look for the 444 Day Crises.

Wad Medani Sudan


Sudan is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Internal trafficking occurs in Sudan, including in areas outside of the government’s control. Sudanese women and girls, particularly those from rural areas or those who are internally displaced, and labor migrants and refugees are vulnerable to domestic servitude. There are an increasing number of street children from Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, and, in some instances, West Africa, some of whom are vulnerable to trafficking, including forced begging. Sudanese girls are vulnerable to sex trafficking in restaurants and brothels. Government security forces recruited and used children as combatants and in support roles. In 2014, an international organization reported four children between the ages of 13 and 15 years were observed in Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) uniforms carrying weapons. Non-governmental armed groups recruited and used children under 17 years old. In 2013, Sudanese children in Darfur and South Sudan were forcibly recruited as child soldiers and used by various armed groups, including the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North. In 2014, the whereabouts of these children could not be confirmed. Artisanal gold mining continued in Darfur without regulation, some of which was undertaken with forced child labor. One advocacy group reported inter-tribal ethnic clashes over control of mines resulted in an increase in the use of child laborers.  I am sure there are good things to be found in the Sudan but as I look I find more and more slavery and abuse.  Human trafficking is not acceptable, pray for this to find an end.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! but don't forget those who can't.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017 Tuesday #Grace#bereceptive#plan#coulda#goldrush#cuisine

Get Fit
As the ballerina said "you might not be a ballerina, but you can look like one"  Well I don't but I still feel the effects of working out like a ballerina.  It is as much for the arms as the legs.  They make it look effortless to hold the arms out from the shoulder and dangle the hands like it is no big thing.  It is. You do some ballet and find out the benefits!  Not to mention the gracefulness. (And remember the football players were doing this a while back, did they quit?  or just don't talk about it anymore?)

Get Faith
Romans 12:12  "Be glad for all God is planning for you,.  Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always."  God always has a plan, it is up to us to follow it.  Often when an opportunity comes up we don't act on it for one reason or another.  Keep your heart and mind open to receive these sometimes subtle suggestions - you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.  And, I need to take my own advice.  Right now I am working on the being patient in trouble and prayerful part.

On this day
1979 -  This might have been the first time my friend Patrick tried to hire me to work for him.  I was still at the picture frame company and he knew I made very little money.  He had just recently started his ice cream business and he was always looking for help.  I went to Pat and Pam's house for dinner that night and he really pitched me to quit Quality.  I can't help but wonder how things would have turned out if I had.  I'm pretty sure, after working last summer for him that he wouldn't be alive and I would be in prison.  I probably made the right choice.  Do you ever have second thoughts about what you should have done instead?  Funny I am having dinner with Pam tonight.

1848 - James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter's Mill in northern California. The discovery led to the gold rush of '49. We all dream of finding the gold don't we?

Wad Medani Sudan
Sudanese cuisine is varied by region, and greatly affected by the cross-cultural influences in Sudan throughout history. In addition to the influences of the indigenous African peoples, the cuisine was influenced by Arab traders and settlers during the Ottoman Empire, who introduced numerous spices, such as red pepper and garlic, as well as Levantine dishes. EgyptianYemeniIndian, and Ethiopian influences are prevalent in the eastern part of the country.
A wide variety of stews exist in Sudan, often paired with a staple bread or porridge. Further south, fish dishes are popular.
Sudanese food in the north is simpler, whereas foods further south reflect the influence of surrounding areas, such as the Yemeni influenced mokhbaza (banana paste) of Eastern Sudan.
Ful medames is the national dish of Sudan. A popular variation of this dish is Shahan ful, which is more popular in neighboring countries of the Horn of Africa  Looking at their recipes our group could go back to the Blue Nile.  We really enjoyed the different experience of style and food served.  Very good .  I took my niece there and was able to eat vegetarian with her as it is the largest part of their menu.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Holly!

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017 Monday #8minuterun/walk#fear/love#playpool#aerosols#sudanchildrenneedhelp

Get Fit
I watched a program on TV yesterday that offered some hope to those who don't have an hour a day at the gym to work out.  This doctor said that an 8 minute serious workout found in circuit training can be all you need.  Raising your heart rate and pushing your muscles can make a huge difference. He said that moving for a minute and then planking for a minute can be a substantial upgrade on your exercise program.  The other thing that he said was essential to good health that is found in the top areas (cities) that boast longevity is WALKING.  We can all fit this into our schedule if we want to be healthy.

Get Faith
Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them."  The study writer tells of a father that blocks the door to a restaurant from teens that are fighting with baseball bats outside while his wife and daughters hover in the background.  And, another story of a mother who tells her son to stand on a path while she moves ahead to take his picture and the picture reveals a lion ready to pounce.  The point being that other forces are at work in our world to stand up for us.  The Bible mentions angels on guard, often.  God looks out for us and protects us very often when we aren't even aware.  The above quote from this psalm mentions "those that fear him".  This phrase is often used to describe the people of God that know His power and who God is.  It is a healthy fear, like awe when you see something powerful. They are the believers.

on this day
1978  I was working at Quality and business was not too good.  The picture frame business had changed to something that could have been good for us.  Many small frame shops opened up all over the tri county area.  They were in every strip mall you drove by.  My boss opened a couple of his own retail outlets.  The location that I worked at was the (mostly) wholesale end that supplied all the other shops.  I believe they saw him as a threat because, let's face it, he could undersell them any day.  What they all weren't looking at was the high expense of picture framing and the demand for it. It is harder to find a framer these days and when you do they are very expensive.  DIY is the answer today.   Bottom line here was they laid off workers, on this day it was Jose.  I loved Jose.  Fortunately when I got home Pete and I went to Big Bill's Saloon where we played in a pool tournament and had a few beers so I could drown my sorrows.

1978 - Sweden banned aerosol sprays because of damage to environment. They were the first country to do so.  How are the immigration laws in Sweden?  Can we all go live there?  We still allow them here - I sadly still use a few.  Pam cooking spray - I will stop.

Wad Medani Sudan children


Sudan Children

About Sudan

In Sudan, the challenges children face are enormous. Because of ongoing conflict, many children live under the threat of violence, as well as the possibility of exploitation and abuse. They also often face food and water shortages, inadequate or non-existent healthcare and little hope for an education. As a result, Sudan has one of the highest infant mortality rates. Many children are now growing up in a world that has only known violence and fear.  Go to Sudan Save The Children to find out more on how to help.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 22, 2017 Sunday #Comfort#recreation#TajMahal#football!

Get Faith
Luke 18:16  "Let the Little children come to me...."  Imagine sitting on God's lap and telling him how your day went, much like when you were a child with your parent.  When something scared you or made you sad, or hurt, you ran to your mother or father.  You were then, and now and always will be God's child and He is still there with open arms to comfort us.  Approach Him as you would your mother, with the type of love that He invented.

On this day
1977 -  Pete and I were looking for something to do. We called Charley and Robyn, and Pat and Pam. The real estate was showing my house in Birmingham as I planned on moving to the eastside closer to our friends and the boat.  This showing produced a buyer and Pete and I went out with Pat, Pam, Ty, Vicky and Don to bowl.  They were always good for recreation that group!  When did you bowl last?  Today might be a good day!

1666 - Shah Jahan, a descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur, died at the age of 74. He was the Mongul emperor of India that built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz-i-Mahal. Remember this tidbit if you are ever on Jeopardy.  I remember Genghis Khan and the Taj Mahal but would have never came up with Shah or Muntaz i Mahal.  

Wad Medani Recreation
Al-Ahli Sports Club (Arabicالنادي الأهلي الرياضي‎‎) also known as Al-Ahli Wad Medani is a football club in Wad MedaniSudan. They play in the top level of Sudanese professional football, the Sudan Premier League. Their rivals is Ittihad Madani, a team also based in Wad Medani Al-Ahli (Wad Medani) Founded in 1928  Football  something else I didn't know!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diana!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21, 2017 Monday #Help#friends#Diabetes#Read#Imperial!

Get Fit
PhotoWhile we are concerned about our health, don't forget those just trying to stay alive!  Sign up for a crop walk this year in your area.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:17  "A friend loves at all times..."  I can attest to this.  I have miraculously wonderful friends.  I can only hope I am as good to them as they are to me.  Keep in touch and make time with your friends.  They are a gift from God.

On this day
1975 - My kid brother Mark was living with me in Birmingham.  He had terrible depression.  He was a juvenile diabetic and was not in control of the condition.  I had my own way of dealing with it - I drank.  Unfortunately that doesn't help.  Diabetes is a horrible disease that effects all of your health and well being so that you are almost incapable of not being depressed.  It has to all be handled together.  If you or someone you know is living with this, get help - find out all you need to deal with this and live a healthy, happy life.  I know some that have.  AND don't drink to help your depression, that doesn't work either.

1789 - W.H. Brown's "Power of Sympathy" was published. It was the first American novel to be published. The novel is also known as the "Triumph of Nature Founded in Truth". Might be an interesting read.

Wad Medani Sudan

Imperial Hotel

"Past its Best."

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017 Friday #futility#Smile#toomuchfun#politics!singitMick

Get Fit
Stretches and planks for me today, oh, and housecleaning.  It is actually exercise and shows that I get steps and burn calories.  It is useless work though as we all know it will get dirty again.  Exercise in futility. 9 to 5 ♬

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:7  "For as he thinks in his heart, so is"  I guess you can't portray yourself as something you don't believe or feel - people always see through it.  Work at keeping your heart in the right place and it will show "that" you to everyone around.  Fool yourself into being happy, smile, laugh, spread joy and thank God.  Don't worry be happy ♬

On this day
1967   I was 20 years old was with Don M, who would become my husband the following year.  We got together with our friends Ron and Gail and went down to the Auto Show.  Fifty years ago! Can you imagine the cars we saw?  Then we met up with more friends (from the Highwaymen) and went to the Drifters Motorcycle Club.  Apparently I drank too much and we spent the night at Ron and Gail's because I passed out.  Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.  ♫♫♫ Can't stop thinking about those cars!

1265 - The first English parliament met in Westminster Hall. And today President Trump has his inauguration,   You Can't Always Get What You Want. ♬  Sing it Mick

Wad Medani Leadership
References in periodicals archive?
Also, at Khartoum International Airport, on the same day, a helicopter burst into flames minutes after Sudan's 2nd vice-president Hassabo Abdel Rahman disembarked upon returning from the city of Wad Medani.
Ghandour who addressed an NCP meeting in Wad Medani, the state capital of al-Gezira, vowed that this campaign is doomed to fail and will fire back at them when Sudanese people flock to the polls.
Hassabu revealed, in a political meeting at the Palace of Culture in Wad Medani Saturday, that the National Congress (NC) did not have the authority to postpone the elections because of its linkage with the law and constitution, adding that there is no logical reason stops or cancel the elections.
If you are concerned about our politics you don't have to look far for companionship.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Stephen 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19, 2017 Thursday #getmoving#knock#winterhaven#Rouen#textiles

Get Fit
Get moving with some aerobics and weights - very energizing!  I am hoping to do some walking at a mall or someplace this weekend.  The weather is improving for the week, get moving!

Get Faith
Revelation 3:20  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."  Jesus makes himself available to us.  If you aren't "feeling" it you might not be knocking on that door.  Communication and knowledge are the key to opening the door, the first step is pray. His line is open.

On this day
2015  Two years ago.  I have been retired 3 years and I find plenty to keep me busy.  On this day I had to "fix" the hole under the back of the house.  In the almost 40 years I have lived here I have been a winter haven to many critters.  Opossum, Raccoons, skunk, mice and rats and heaven knows what else.  They dig a hole in the back of my house where they can burrow in and hibernate, only they don't sleep.  I actually had a opossum get into my utility room one year, but that's another story.  This year Nicole and I did some cement work all around the house and haven't heard any visitors yet.

1419 - Rouen surrendered to Henry V, completing his conquest of Normandy. I thought this was a person but no, it is a town and you can read the story if you like. The story of Rouen by Theodore and Jane Cook.

Wad Medani
Sudanese textile factories on revival path13
Feb '13
The revival of textile factories in Wad Medani, the capital of the Al 
Jazirah state in east-central Sudan, is currently in progress and is
 to be completed by June 2013, Eng. Abdul Wahab Osman, the
 Minister of Industry has said.
Al Hada, Gametixt and Wad-Medani textile factories are among the
 that at being revived, the Minister said, according to a Sudan Vision 
Mr. Osman said his Ministry will help the revival of the textile industry in 
Sudan by seeking a cut in various federal and state taxes as well as 
electricity and other utility tariffs.
He urged the factory owners to adapt latest technologies and make products according to the market
The revival of textile sector in Sudan is important as it would create new job opportunities, while
 reducing dependence on clothing imports, thus decreasing the need for foreign currency.
 Fibre2fashion News Desk - India

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017 Wednesday #overdo#6thgradeSS#memory#anit-piracy#socialmedia!

Get Fit
Watched one of the guys on the Today Show get talked into doing a fitness workout on TV today.  I think he is rethinking it and trying to find a way out.  And, it was just the first day of a long session.  Careful what you sign up for.  lol

Get Faith
Matthew 19:14-15  But Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and don't prevent them.  For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."  And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.  Quite a while ago I was the superintendant of the Sunday School at St Paul's and couldn't find a teacher for the 6th grade class, which was 6 boys.  I decided on a different route with them and did a historical early Christians study to see if it would perk their interest.  It did and I had 6 boys most weeks.  That was probably 25 years ago I hope they are still involved.

On this day
2012  I have worked at many different things and this year I was selling clothes.  I spent all day cleaning the office at my day job because it was slow, and I could.  He used to have a cleaning lady but she died. I really liked her but that is a story for another day.   So after work, Nicole picked me up at work, we went out to Lindsey's to pick up the clothes I left at her house for a sales party.  Then Nicole and I met Kathy, Aaron and Rachelle at Abeuelo's for dinner.  Five years makes a huge difference.  Embrace change, but stay busy!

2012 - Wikipedia began a 24-hour "blackout" in protest against proposed anti-piracy legislation (S. 968 and H.R. 3261) known as the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. Many websites, including Reddit, Google, Facebook, Amazon and others, contended would make it challenging if not impossible for them to operate. Wow!

Wad Medani Sudan


This CoolSocial report was updated on 17 Apr 2014, you can refresh this analysis whenever you want. scored 63 Social Media Impact. Social Media Impact score is a measure of how much a site is popular on social networks.  3/5.0 Stars by Social Team
Congratulations, got a very good Social Media Impact Score! Show it by adding this HTML code on your site:  I wondered of the availability.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny T!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017 Tuesday #foolyourself#strength#Raptor!#Pope#boatride!

Get Fit
So gloomy outside here in Michigan.  Turn up the lights put on some music and dance.  It will lift your spirits.

Get Faith
Exodus 15:2  "The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.  He is my God, and I will praise Him."  Finding strength for each day.  I visited a lady today that I have know a long time.  She was an interior designer back in the 60's and 70's when I worked at the picture frame company.  Later on when I joined my current church she was a member there.  Seven years ago she had a debilitating stroke that has left her in a wheel chair, her left side completely paralyzed.  It is hard to tell her to find joy in everyday, but I shared reading the Gospel and gave her communion and she was recalling all the better days that she remembered.  We prayed together and she said she wanted to go to her lunch.  God provides, she had cake and she was happy.

On this day
2011  It was a busy day, catching up on year end paperwork, took Mom to Dr Bill, did laundry and called Ma in Florida.  What caught my eye was this "called Nicole for raptor cry".  She was living in Chicago at the time and I can't imagine missing her so much that I wanted to hear that annoying noise but I guess I did.  Nicole?

1377 - The Papal See was transferred from Avignon in France back to Rome. The history of the Papacy is very interesting if you are looking for a historical read.

Wad Medani Sudan
Lying on the west bank of the Blue Nile River, and capital to the Al Jazirah State, Wad Medani is another of Sudan’s local trade centers and is also the main cotton-growing region. Its main trade products include wheat, barely, peanuts and livestock. The former Turko-Egyptian outpost is also headquarters of the Irrigation Service. Wed Medani also has lively commercial and agricultural activities. Visitors enjoy its commercial centers and “souqs”. Souq is what they call their market areas, which have retail stalls that sell different kinds of things, including native Sudanese souvenirs. The town’s central market areas are Al Daraga, Al Gism, Al Awal and Wad Azrag.

They refer to the above as a luxury liner!  Let's take a ride!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn and Sharon H.

Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017 Monday #MLK#presson#Forgive#reachout#honeymoon?

Get Fit
Knowing I am facing surgery I feel like I need to get in the best shape I can.  I worked out the legs, back, chest and arms today with a tension strap.  It always feels like I worked out after this.  Don't give up if you have health issues, keep up the routine so it won't be so hard to get back to afterward.

Get Faith
Luke 6:37  "Forgive and you will be forgiven."  Life is full of disagreements.  God tells us to forgive and sometime we have a hard time with that.  We need to pray for understanding and tolerance.  Do not instigate more trouble on the behalf of your disagreement.  Try, earnestly, to accept things you cannot change and then forgive.  The disciples had trouble in their ranks and God worked with them through prayer and trust in Him.  He can help us as well.  Forgive.

On this day
2009  I took the day off work and then did a lot of running, visiting and taking care of loose ends.  Have you had to return equipment to Comcast for example?  I was there for a couple hours.  I usually used this time to strike up a conversation with anyone around me.  Yep, I'm that person.  I have met some very nice, interesting people of all ages and backgrounds in waiting rooms.  When I left Comcast I stopped to see my Aunt Annie who, was in hospice.  She always had a bright happy smile when I went to see her, that reflected the same smile I saw on my Grandma's face when I surprised her with a visit.  I called my cousin Kay in Florida from my Aunts room so she could chat with her but found out Kay's husband was in very bad health at the hospital.  She was glad I called.

2009 - The iTunes Music Store reached 500 million applications downloaded.  I can't imagine what it is now 8 years later.

Wad Medani Sudan

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This sounds lilke a great place for a honeymoon!  

Agriculture and honeymooners 

Wad Medani is a commercial centre of the Gezira agricultural district, and is mostly a place where people live. The number of inhabitants is apparently closing in on a million. Wad Medani has lively trading activities, with good suuqs. The beaches of Wad Medani are good, situated across the river, on the eastern river bank of the Blue Nile. The whole place is quite nice, and has more of modern facilities than most places in the Sudan (except the Khartoum area). Many Sudanese put their honeymoon to Wad Medani, and this adds to a fairly easygoing atmosphere.Eat and Sleep
Quite good on food with some nice restaurants. Good on hotels, but prices are varying depending on the season. You should be careful on going here after Ramadan, which is the preferred month of marriages.
All kinds of transportation, and it's fairly easy to move around. But getting to the right station can be a problem.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!