Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year ! January 1, 2017 Wow! #makeitabetteryear

Get Fit
Did you make a resolution to be healthier?  Good for you.  If you haven't already started to format your plan of diet and exercise, maybe you could spend today looking for diet plans or healthy recipes and consider which gym or path to exercise you want to take.  Did you line up a buddy to do this with?  I have heard that many people are more encouraged to stay on track if they answer to someone they are on track with.  The other suggestion is to keep track of what you are eating and when and what exercise you do.  Start with as little as you feel like or just realize that if you get off to a big start that you can back down to a level that you can stay with that fits your life.  A calendar with maybe your weight, miles walked, calories burned etc can be just enough to keep you honest about your effort.  Good luck and better health for the new year!

Get Faith
John 14:6  Jesus said "I am the way"   My new devotional says that these words are better than any map.  It is true.  When we are lost, trying to decide what job, what area to live in, what school to go to, who to date, where to vacation we often make bad choices in life styles.  You can look to Jesus for guidance (how he lived his life and treated people) for trust (he has fulfilled His promise) for reassurance (he cares for you and promises you the peace you want).  If you follow His advice the decisions in life become clearer as to what is important.  Turn on your Jesus GPS.

On this day
1982 "Called my friend Christine to wish her Happy New Year.  I took down the Christmas decor and called Linda, who came over later in the day.  I started a new jigsaw puzzle and talked to my boyfriend Chuck in Florida."  Christine lives in Florida now, Linda lives in Texas and Chuck isn't with us any longer.  I can't set up a jigsaw puzzle because of the cat and I can't call my brother Mark. Life changes, we adjust and move ahead.  I have actually wished Chris and Linda Happy New Year on the internet, through social media today and that's ok - in 20 years I will tell you what I did today. :)

0404 - The last gladiator competition was held in Rome. I can't help but wonder who journaled or jotted down this piece of info but I admire this as a good start for the New Year! No more killing.!

Wad Madani Sudan  and Aljazirah orphanage
We have moved to this city in the Sudan and I will be attempting to incorporate a suggested recipient for donations or assistance in the area.  First lets look at Wad Madani:
 Greater Wad Madani Locality, Wad Madani or (Madani)/(Medani) is located in SudanLocated in the somewhat center of Africa and interior of Sudan.  Wad Madani (Arabicودمدني‎‎ Wad Madanī) or (Madani) is the capital of the Al Jazirah state in east-central Sudan[1] Wad Madani lies on the west bank of the Blue Nile, nearly 85 miles (136 km) southeast of Khartoum[2] It is linked by rail to Khartoum and is the center of a cotton-growing region.[2] The city is also the center of local trade in wheat,[2] peanutsbarley, and livestock. It is also headquarters of the Irrigation Service.[1] In 2008, its population was 345,290.[1] It is the home of the Wad Medani Ahlia College, a private university.[3]  Check out this location and the orphanage on your own, enrich your knowledge 
and patronage this year!

 Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Devon

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