Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017 Wednesday #overdo#6thgradeSS#memory#anit-piracy#socialmedia!

Get Fit
Watched one of the guys on the Today Show get talked into doing a fitness workout on TV today.  I think he is rethinking it and trying to find a way out.  And, it was just the first day of a long session.  Careful what you sign up for.  lol

Get Faith
Matthew 19:14-15  But Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and don't prevent them.  For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."  And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.  Quite a while ago I was the superintendant of the Sunday School at St Paul's and couldn't find a teacher for the 6th grade class, which was 6 boys.  I decided on a different route with them and did a historical early Christians study to see if it would perk their interest.  It did and I had 6 boys most weeks.  That was probably 25 years ago I hope they are still involved.

On this day
2012  I have worked at many different things and this year I was selling clothes.  I spent all day cleaning the office at my day job because it was slow, and I could.  He used to have a cleaning lady but she died. I really liked her but that is a story for another day.   So after work, Nicole picked me up at work, we went out to Lindsey's to pick up the clothes I left at her house for a sales party.  Then Nicole and I met Kathy, Aaron and Rachelle at Abeuelo's for dinner.  Five years makes a huge difference.  Embrace change, but stay busy!

2012 - Wikipedia began a 24-hour "blackout" in protest against proposed anti-piracy legislation (S. 968 and H.R. 3261) known as the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. Many websites, including Reddit, Google, Facebook, Amazon and others, contended would make it challenging if not impossible for them to operate. Wow!

Wad Medani Sudan


This CoolSocial report was updated on 17 Apr 2014, you can refresh this analysis whenever you want. scored 63 Social Media Impact. Social Media Impact score is a measure of how much a site is popular on social networks.  3/5.0 Stars by Social Team
Congratulations, got a very good Social Media Impact Score! Show it by adding this HTML code on your site:  I wondered of the availability.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny T!

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