Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017 Tuesday #foolyourself#strength#Raptor!#Pope#boatride!

Get Fit
So gloomy outside here in Michigan.  Turn up the lights put on some music and dance.  It will lift your spirits.

Get Faith
Exodus 15:2  "The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.  He is my God, and I will praise Him."  Finding strength for each day.  I visited a lady today that I have know a long time.  She was an interior designer back in the 60's and 70's when I worked at the picture frame company.  Later on when I joined my current church she was a member there.  Seven years ago she had a debilitating stroke that has left her in a wheel chair, her left side completely paralyzed.  It is hard to tell her to find joy in everyday, but I shared reading the Gospel and gave her communion and she was recalling all the better days that she remembered.  We prayed together and she said she wanted to go to her lunch.  God provides, she had cake and she was happy.

On this day
2011  It was a busy day, catching up on year end paperwork, took Mom to Dr Bill, did laundry and called Ma in Florida.  What caught my eye was this "called Nicole for raptor cry".  She was living in Chicago at the time and I can't imagine missing her so much that I wanted to hear that annoying noise but I guess I did.  Nicole?

1377 - The Papal See was transferred from Avignon in France back to Rome. The history of the Papacy is very interesting if you are looking for a historical read.

Wad Medani Sudan
Lying on the west bank of the Blue Nile River, and capital to the Al Jazirah State, Wad Medani is another of Sudan’s local trade centers and is also the main cotton-growing region. Its main trade products include wheat, barely, peanuts and livestock. The former Turko-Egyptian outpost is also headquarters of the Irrigation Service. Wed Medani also has lively commercial and agricultural activities. Visitors enjoy its commercial centers and “souqs”. Souq is what they call their market areas, which have retail stalls that sell different kinds of things, including native Sudanese souvenirs. The town’s central market areas are Al Daraga, Al Gism, Al Awal and Wad Azrag.

They refer to the above as a luxury liner!  Let's take a ride!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn and Sharon H.

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