Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21, 2017 Monday #Help#friends#Diabetes#Read#Imperial!

Get Fit
PhotoWhile we are concerned about our health, don't forget those just trying to stay alive!  Sign up for a crop walk this year in your area.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:17  "A friend loves at all times..."  I can attest to this.  I have miraculously wonderful friends.  I can only hope I am as good to them as they are to me.  Keep in touch and make time with your friends.  They are a gift from God.

On this day
1975 - My kid brother Mark was living with me in Birmingham.  He had terrible depression.  He was a juvenile diabetic and was not in control of the condition.  I had my own way of dealing with it - I drank.  Unfortunately that doesn't help.  Diabetes is a horrible disease that effects all of your health and well being so that you are almost incapable of not being depressed.  It has to all be handled together.  If you or someone you know is living with this, get help - find out all you need to deal with this and live a healthy, happy life.  I know some that have.  AND don't drink to help your depression, that doesn't work either.

1789 - W.H. Brown's "Power of Sympathy" was published. It was the first American novel to be published. The novel is also known as the "Triumph of Nature Founded in Truth". Might be an interesting read.

Wad Medani Sudan

Imperial Hotel

"Past its Best."

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