Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4, 2017 Wednesday #weights#listen#work#Fabian#UofG

Get Fit
Circuit training.  Aerobics and weights.  Workout your heart, warm up and strengthen your muscles.  You can get this at the gym, on your computer or I use a video by Jillian.  Get something!

Get Faith
1 Samuel 3:10 "Yes, I'm listening".  As a boy Samuel was taken in by Eli to serve the Lord.  Samuel's mother had waited forever for a child and then in thanks to God gave the 2 year old baby to Eli to raise in the church. When Samuel heard a voice calling he didn't recognize it as God's voice and ran to Eli thinking it was him.  How often in our lives has God spoken to us and we didn't recognize His voice?  Make this your thought for today - "Yes, I'm listening."

On this day
1988  Wow on this day I went to Pat's shop and cleaned his office.  This is the guy I worked for all last summer.  When I cleaned I had Nicole (2) with me and he had his sons Jon and Sean there.  Not sure how much cleaning I got done with all that going on.  I probably should get over there soon as I can. Guess I will be back there for the summer again.  hmmm.  History repeats itself.

1884 - The socialist Fabian Society was founded in London. ?

The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.[1][2] As one of the founding organisations of the Labour Representation Committee in 1900, and as an important influence upon the Labour Party which grew from it, the Fabian Society has had a powerful influence on British politics. Later members of the Fabian Society included Jawaharlal Nehru and other leaders of new nations created out of the former British Empire, who used Fabian principles to create socialist democracies in India, Pakistan, Nigeria and elsewhere as Britain decolonised after World War II.  now we know.

Wad Medani Sudan
The University of al-Gezira is also located in the area.[2]   University of Gezira, or U of G, is a public university located in Wad MedaniSudan. It is a member of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World.[2]   Now we know.


We are in the process of setting up a number of new websites for the new Dioceses that have recently been inaugurated.  There's a list of all these on the "ECSSS Links" page.  To support Christian Ministries go here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan J!!!!!
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