Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017 Tuesday #Grace#bereceptive#plan#coulda#goldrush#cuisine

Get Fit
As the ballerina said "you might not be a ballerina, but you can look like one"  Well I don't but I still feel the effects of working out like a ballerina.  It is as much for the arms as the legs.  They make it look effortless to hold the arms out from the shoulder and dangle the hands like it is no big thing.  It is. You do some ballet and find out the benefits!  Not to mention the gracefulness. (And remember the football players were doing this a while back, did they quit?  or just don't talk about it anymore?)

Get Faith
Romans 12:12  "Be glad for all God is planning for you,.  Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always."  God always has a plan, it is up to us to follow it.  Often when an opportunity comes up we don't act on it for one reason or another.  Keep your heart and mind open to receive these sometimes subtle suggestions - you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.  And, I need to take my own advice.  Right now I am working on the being patient in trouble and prayerful part.

On this day
1979 -  This might have been the first time my friend Patrick tried to hire me to work for him.  I was still at the picture frame company and he knew I made very little money.  He had just recently started his ice cream business and he was always looking for help.  I went to Pat and Pam's house for dinner that night and he really pitched me to quit Quality.  I can't help but wonder how things would have turned out if I had.  I'm pretty sure, after working last summer for him that he wouldn't be alive and I would be in prison.  I probably made the right choice.  Do you ever have second thoughts about what you should have done instead?  Funny I am having dinner with Pam tonight.

1848 - James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter's Mill in northern California. The discovery led to the gold rush of '49. We all dream of finding the gold don't we?

Wad Medani Sudan
Sudanese cuisine is varied by region, and greatly affected by the cross-cultural influences in Sudan throughout history. In addition to the influences of the indigenous African peoples, the cuisine was influenced by Arab traders and settlers during the Ottoman Empire, who introduced numerous spices, such as red pepper and garlic, as well as Levantine dishes. EgyptianYemeniIndian, and Ethiopian influences are prevalent in the eastern part of the country.
A wide variety of stews exist in Sudan, often paired with a staple bread or porridge. Further south, fish dishes are popular.
Sudanese food in the north is simpler, whereas foods further south reflect the influence of surrounding areas, such as the Yemeni influenced mokhbaza (banana paste) of Eastern Sudan.
Ful medames is the national dish of Sudan. A popular variation of this dish is Shahan ful, which is more popular in neighboring countries of the Horn of Africa  Looking at their recipes our group could go back to the Blue Nile.  We really enjoyed the different experience of style and food served.  Very good .  I took my niece there and was able to eat vegetarian with her as it is the largest part of their menu.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Holly!

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