Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017 Thursday #noyoga#Graqce#rain#Deepimpact!#war/peace.

Get Fit
Did some wrestling this morning, with my TV.  Some days it is an exercise in futility to operate electronics.  What happened to the on/off button and the volume dial that were so easily maneuvered?  I will go to Yoga at church tomorrow.  Foiled again!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 12:9 (Jesus said) My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. We are saved by grace, it is sufficient because it is a gift from God to you that you didn't have to earn.  He just wants you to have it,  Believe.  Forgiveness as he forgave Rahab before she became a believer.  Our God is an awesome God.

On this day
2005  It was raining, as it is today.  I had to go to work and I was driving my neighbor's daughter Jaclyn to middle school this year.  The mom left for work real early.  During that time, when I had to go out anyway it didn't seem much of a problem, but now,  if I don't have to go out on days like today I don't!  But, I do have to go to a doctor appointment today, to find out when I have to go in for surgery to have a spot removed from my lung.  Wish me luck.  Come on Spring!

2005 - NASA launched "Deep Impact". The spacecraft was planned to impact on Comet Tempel 1 after a six-month, 268 million-mile journey. Have we heard the results of this? or is it still in transport?  

Wad Medani Sudan
From 1955 until 1972 there prevailed a costly and divisive civil war, fought largely in the south but punctuated by violent incidents in the north. The Addis Ababa Agreement of 1972 ended the conflict only temporarily, and in 1983 the civil war resumed. By this time the comparative lack of economic development in the south had become a new source of regional grievance, and northern leaders’ continuing attempts to Islamize the Sudanese legal system proved an even more potent source of discord. Attempts to end the civil war included numerous discussions, cease-fires, and agreements but yielded very little success until 2005, when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement ended the warfare. It also granted southern Sudan semiautonomous status and stipulated that a referendum on independence for the south would be held in six years. The results of the vote, held in January 2011, were overwhelmingly in favour of independence, and South Sudan was declared an independent country on July 9, 2011. And in Sudan this was going on in 2005.  And I was worried about the rain and flooding here.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebekkah C

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