Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017 Monday #MLK#presson#Forgive#reachout#honeymoon?

Get Fit
Knowing I am facing surgery I feel like I need to get in the best shape I can.  I worked out the legs, back, chest and arms today with a tension strap.  It always feels like I worked out after this.  Don't give up if you have health issues, keep up the routine so it won't be so hard to get back to afterward.

Get Faith
Luke 6:37  "Forgive and you will be forgiven."  Life is full of disagreements.  God tells us to forgive and sometime we have a hard time with that.  We need to pray for understanding and tolerance.  Do not instigate more trouble on the behalf of your disagreement.  Try, earnestly, to accept things you cannot change and then forgive.  The disciples had trouble in their ranks and God worked with them through prayer and trust in Him.  He can help us as well.  Forgive.

On this day
2009  I took the day off work and then did a lot of running, visiting and taking care of loose ends.  Have you had to return equipment to Comcast for example?  I was there for a couple hours.  I usually used this time to strike up a conversation with anyone around me.  Yep, I'm that person.  I have met some very nice, interesting people of all ages and backgrounds in waiting rooms.  When I left Comcast I stopped to see my Aunt Annie who, was in hospice.  She always had a bright happy smile when I went to see her, that reflected the same smile I saw on my Grandma's face when I surprised her with a visit.  I called my cousin Kay in Florida from my Aunts room so she could chat with her but found out Kay's husband was in very bad health at the hospital.  She was glad I called.

2009 - The iTunes Music Store reached 500 million applications downloaded.  I can't imagine what it is now 8 years later.

Wad Medani Sudan

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This sounds lilke a great place for a honeymoon!  

Agriculture and honeymooners 

Wad Medani is a commercial centre of the Gezira agricultural district, and is mostly a place where people live. The number of inhabitants is apparently closing in on a million. Wad Medani has lively trading activities, with good suuqs. The beaches of Wad Medani are good, situated across the river, on the eastern river bank of the Blue Nile. The whole place is quite nice, and has more of modern facilities than most places in the Sudan (except the Khartoum area). Many Sudanese put their honeymoon to Wad Medani, and this adds to a fairly easygoing atmosphere.Eat and Sleep
Quite good on food with some nice restaurants. Good on hotels, but prices are varying depending on the season. You should be careful on going here after Ramadan, which is the preferred month of marriages.
All kinds of transportation, and it's fairly easy to move around. But getting to the right station can be a problem.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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