Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2, 2017 Melancholy Monday! #Truthandjoy!

Get Fit
What's the plan today?  What will you do to kick off the new work out?  I started with aerobics to energize myself.  Moving always makes me happier (and kicks up the steps on my fitbit!).

Get Faith
John 14:6 ".....I am the truth..."  When you wonder, question or contemplate what the answer is - go to a simple line.  I am the truth.  If you aren't sure about who you are, look to Jesus who is - the kindness the joy and the peace.  Find your life and truth in him.

On this day
1983 - Journal "outside with kids on the hill with saucers, packed up and drove home.  I dropped off Christopher."  It was a Sunday and after the holiday, Andy and Alice had brought Merri and Lindsey up to Gaylord to spend New Year with Mom and Bob.  Christopher was my brother Mark's girlfriends little boy we had come up earlier in the week.  The kids had a ball sliding on that hill all afternoon, then we had dinner.  I will bet they all slept on the ride home.  A truly happy day.

1983 - The musical "Annie" closed on Broadway at the Uris Theatre after 2,377 performances. And has played a million times since!  "The sun will come up tomorrow...."

Wad Madani Sudan
In the early 19th century, Wad Madani ( Madani )was a small Turko-Egyptian outpost, and grew rapidly following the 1925 Gezira Scheme of irrigation to stimulate local economic development.[2] Wad Madani is a commercial centre of the Gezira agricultural district and is mostly residential. Wad Madani has lively commercial activities with good souqs.  A souq or souk (Arabicسوق‎‎, Hebrewשוק‎‎ suqHindiसूक, also spelled shukshooqsoqesouksuccsuksooqsuq) is an open-air marketplace or commercial quarter in Western Asian and North African cities.[1][2] Suq, and sometimes monti, is also used for a marketplace in Malta. The equivalent Persian term is "bazaar".  In case you wondered like I did.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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