Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017 Monday #8minuterun/walk#fear/love#playpool#aerosols#sudanchildrenneedhelp

Get Fit
I watched a program on TV yesterday that offered some hope to those who don't have an hour a day at the gym to work out.  This doctor said that an 8 minute serious workout found in circuit training can be all you need.  Raising your heart rate and pushing your muscles can make a huge difference. He said that moving for a minute and then planking for a minute can be a substantial upgrade on your exercise program.  The other thing that he said was essential to good health that is found in the top areas (cities) that boast longevity is WALKING.  We can all fit this into our schedule if we want to be healthy.

Get Faith
Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them."  The study writer tells of a father that blocks the door to a restaurant from teens that are fighting with baseball bats outside while his wife and daughters hover in the background.  And, another story of a mother who tells her son to stand on a path while she moves ahead to take his picture and the picture reveals a lion ready to pounce.  The point being that other forces are at work in our world to stand up for us.  The Bible mentions angels on guard, often.  God looks out for us and protects us very often when we aren't even aware.  The above quote from this psalm mentions "those that fear him".  This phrase is often used to describe the people of God that know His power and who God is.  It is a healthy fear, like awe when you see something powerful. They are the believers.

on this day
1978  I was working at Quality and business was not too good.  The picture frame business had changed to something that could have been good for us.  Many small frame shops opened up all over the tri county area.  They were in every strip mall you drove by.  My boss opened a couple of his own retail outlets.  The location that I worked at was the (mostly) wholesale end that supplied all the other shops.  I believe they saw him as a threat because, let's face it, he could undersell them any day.  What they all weren't looking at was the high expense of picture framing and the demand for it. It is harder to find a framer these days and when you do they are very expensive.  DIY is the answer today.   Bottom line here was they laid off workers, on this day it was Jose.  I loved Jose.  Fortunately when I got home Pete and I went to Big Bill's Saloon where we played in a pool tournament and had a few beers so I could drown my sorrows.

1978 - Sweden banned aerosol sprays because of damage to environment. They were the first country to do so.  How are the immigration laws in Sweden?  Can we all go live there?  We still allow them here - I sadly still use a few.  Pam cooking spray - I will stop.

Wad Medani Sudan children


Sudan Children

About Sudan

In Sudan, the challenges children face are enormous. Because of ongoing conflict, many children live under the threat of violence, as well as the possibility of exploitation and abuse. They also often face food and water shortages, inadequate or non-existent healthcare and little hope for an education. As a result, Sudan has one of the highest infant mortality rates. Many children are now growing up in a world that has only known violence and fear.  Go to Sudan Save The Children to find out more on how to help.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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