Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017 Friday #foolyourself#youonly#healthyyou#Yousa#youhavefreedomtospeak!

Get Fit
Ok, some things I can't bring myself to do.  Get up and go out in 10 degree weather to do yoga when I can do it at home in comfort.  My friend Monna even stopped by on her way to yoga - I could have gone with her!  But I had just finished doing yoga AND its still only 11 degrees out.  Not a cold weather person.  You find ways to fool yourself into doing whatever works for you!

Get Faith
Matthew 28:20 "and lo. I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Imagine, Jesus saying this, that He will always be with you - caring, comforting, healing, loving and giving himself to you forever.  He was with God in the beginning and with the Spirit will be with God till, well no end.  Imagine all that has been created, yourself included, from the heavens and all the stars to the simple basic molecules in a blade of grass.  You only, created in His likeness to be with him forever.  Praise the Lord.

On this day
2006 - It is that time of year.  Everyone around you has a cold, earache, cough, flu.  Yikes.  In 2006 I came home from work stuffed up.  I had stopped at CVS and picked up the normal "cold" medicine to heal myself, which as you know, takes 3 to 5 days or what seems like years to get rid of.  Mom was living with me so I sure didn't want her to get it.  If you work, have kids and are socially active it is impossible to miss the seasonal crap.  Reminder - drink  A LOT of water, take Vitamin C, wash your hands A LOT and avoid hugging and kissing people, and get plenty of rest.  You have heard it before but maybe you just want a couple days off to lay on the couch, feel like crap and watch old movies.  Your choice.

1794 - U.S. President Washington approved a measure adding two stars and two stripes to the American flag, following the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the union. Been a long time since we added any stars to our flag, can you think of any to add - or subtract?

Wad Medani Sudan
 Abd Almoniem Rahama (Arabic: عبدالمنعم رحمه‎‎) born in Hasahisa (a city between Khartoum and Wad Madani), is a Sudanese author, poet and human rights activist Sooner he became a known figure participating culture events in both Khartoum and Madani in the 1980s.
Rahama formerly headed Sudana, an organization that promoted the work of marginalized art and literature groups in Sudan. He was a member of the Sudanese Writers’ Union during the 1980s and headed the Arabic section of the Sudan Radio Service network in Nairobi between 2003 and 2005.
Rahama also co-founded the daily Ajras al-Hurriya (“Bells of Freedom”), and served as its administrative director. An Opposition newspaper which was closed by government a day before South Independence.
Hussein Saad, who worked as an editor at the newspaper, has known Rahma since 2008 “He was very dedicated,” he said. “We worked very hard for months until the first issue was published.” Remembering last time Hussein saw him when Saad went to cover a news conference organized by former governor Malik Agar, along with other politicians. “Rahama invited everyone to break the fast at his house,” Saad recalls. “He helped us during the trip more than anyone else.” This man was put to death for speaking out on injustice and dictatorship.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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