Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017 Friday#stayfit#free#Kiernan's#Gretzky#Umfitityuck

Get Fit
And stay fit.  I'm pushing the goals this week because I probably will be off exercising for a few weeks.  Today I did some aerobics to get the heart strong and give me something to look forward to while I'm laying around healing.  I am not a good sitter and you shouldn't be either!  Get up and move!

Get Faith
John 8:31-32  Jesus said to them "You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to and you will know the truth, and the truth will set your free".  This brings memory of Martin Luther King to mind. He knew the truth, as a man of God and preached the freedom of being honest and truthful.  It is a gift to live a life that you don't have to hide or lie about.  The truth of the Gospel is the message here.  That Jesus lived and died for you and was resurrected so that you can know life with him and be free.

On this day
1984 - Andy, Alice, Mark and I went to Kiernan's Steak House in Dearborn for dinner and to hear friends of mine, Judy and Tom King perform.  Tom played piano and sang around a lot of Detroit supper clubs in those days and occasionally my friend Judy that I worked with sang with him.  We had a great dinner and too much to drink and my soon to be husband turned into the biggest entertainer singing and making a spectacle of himself.  It was a fun, funny night and a great memory.
If we had the media then that we have now it would have gone viral!

1984 - Wayne Gretzky set a National Hockey League (NHL) record for consecutive game scoring. He ended the streak at 51 games. This would have gone viral too!

Sudan cuisine

Alcoholic beverages[edit]

Sudan is governed under sharia, which bans the purveying, consumption, and purchasing of alcohol. Being lashed 40 times is the penalty for breaking the prohibition on alcohol.[2] Former Sudanese President Gaafar Nimeiry enacted sharia in September 1983, marking the occasion by dumping alcohol into the Nile river.[3] Araqi is an alcoholic gin made from dates, which is illegally brewed in defiance of sharia.[2] Araqi brewers in Sudan continue production despite sharia.[2]  Lets all go to the River, the beautiful the beautiful river.  
Appetizers include Elmaraara and Umfitit, which are made from sheep's offal (including the lungs, liver, and stomach), onions, peanut butter, and salt. They are eaten raw.[1]       I'm sorry, I have not been very uplifting about this country but look what I'm dealing 
with. Have to find something to share with the travelers tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nate and Sharon!

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