Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017 Monday #dance!#Renewed#belatedparty#Enron#Copts

Get Fit
Even before I started a regular daily workout regime some 20 odd years ago - I loved to dance.  That probably helped to keep me in fairly good shape all these years.  If I had ditched the bad habits I would  be even better off.  So this morning when I did a Dancers Workshop workout, it reminded me of the years of dance that I enjoyed so much.  Do what you like!

Get Faith
Psalm 110:3 "Your strength shall be renewed day by day like morning dew."  I don't think they are talking about physical strength, but, spiritual strength here.  Physical strength can keep us strong for our lives here in this place, but our spiritual strength - our faith strength is what we need for that calm and peace that we wish for in our lives.  When I write this blog about a Bible reading it connects me to God and reminds me everyday of his love and the renewal I get from it.

On this day
2002 - As ever today was Mom's birthday and Jan came over for pizza and cake.  Nicole left after dinner for youth group at church.  Lindsey called her.  It was kind of lame for an 80th birthday.  What she didn't know was that Nicole and I had a huge party planned for a month later.  The family never let me forget that party!  It was a fiasco, jam packed room with a labor of love put into it.  Once again sorry Alice.

2002 - The U.S. Justice Department announced that it was pursuing a criminal investigation of Enron Corp. The company had filed for bankruptcy on December 2, 2001. This turned out to be a big story!

Wad Medani Sudan
Copts in Sudan may refer to people born in or residing in Sudan of full or partial Coptic origin.
Sudan has a native Coptic minority, although many Copts in Sudan are descended from more recent Coptic immigrants from Egypt.[1] Copts in Sudan live mostly in northern cities, including Al ObeidAtbaraDongolaKhartoumOmdurmanPort Sudan, and Wad Medani.[1] They number up to 500,000, or slightly over 1% of the Sudanese population.[1] Due to their advanced education, their role in the life of the country has been more significant than their numbers suggest.[1] They have occasionally faced forced conversion to Islam, resulting in their emigration and decrease in number.[1]  This is an enlightening article that I suggest you read further on.  We have to note 
racism/religious persecution when we see it.  

Last night on the Golden Globe awards one of the actors spoke out about the tragedy of fate 
of children in Sudan.  It might also be something you would consider looking at.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cathy K

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