Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19, 2017 Thursday #getmoving#knock#winterhaven#Rouen#textiles

Get Fit
Get moving with some aerobics and weights - very energizing!  I am hoping to do some walking at a mall or someplace this weekend.  The weather is improving for the week, get moving!

Get Faith
Revelation 3:20  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."  Jesus makes himself available to us.  If you aren't "feeling" it you might not be knocking on that door.  Communication and knowledge are the key to opening the door, the first step is pray. His line is open.

On this day
2015  Two years ago.  I have been retired 3 years and I find plenty to keep me busy.  On this day I had to "fix" the hole under the back of the house.  In the almost 40 years I have lived here I have been a winter haven to many critters.  Opossum, Raccoons, skunk, mice and rats and heaven knows what else.  They dig a hole in the back of my house where they can burrow in and hibernate, only they don't sleep.  I actually had a opossum get into my utility room one year, but that's another story.  This year Nicole and I did some cement work all around the house and haven't heard any visitors yet.

1419 - Rouen surrendered to Henry V, completing his conquest of Normandy. I thought this was a person but no, it is a town and you can read the story if you like. The story of Rouen by Theodore and Jane Cook.

Wad Medani
Sudanese textile factories on revival path13
Feb '13
The revival of textile factories in Wad Medani, the capital of the Al 
Jazirah state in east-central Sudan, is currently in progress and is
 to be completed by June 2013, Eng. Abdul Wahab Osman, the
 Minister of Industry has said.
Al Hada, Gametixt and Wad-Medani textile factories are among the
 that at being revived, the Minister said, according to a Sudan Vision 
Mr. Osman said his Ministry will help the revival of the textile industry in 
Sudan by seeking a cut in various federal and state taxes as well as 
electricity and other utility tariffs.
He urged the factory owners to adapt latest technologies and make products according to the market
The revival of textile sector in Sudan is important as it would create new job opportunities, while
 reducing dependence on clothing imports, thus decreasing the need for foreign currency.
 Fibre2fashion News Desk - India

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