Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017 Friday #futility#Smile#toomuchfun#politics!singitMick

Get Fit
Stretches and planks for me today, oh, and housecleaning.  It is actually exercise and shows that I get steps and burn calories.  It is useless work though as we all know it will get dirty again.  Exercise in futility. 9 to 5 ♬

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:7  "For as he thinks in his heart, so is"  I guess you can't portray yourself as something you don't believe or feel - people always see through it.  Work at keeping your heart in the right place and it will show "that" you to everyone around.  Fool yourself into being happy, smile, laugh, spread joy and thank God.  Don't worry be happy ♬

On this day
1967   I was 20 years old was with Don M, who would become my husband the following year.  We got together with our friends Ron and Gail and went down to the Auto Show.  Fifty years ago! Can you imagine the cars we saw?  Then we met up with more friends (from the Highwaymen) and went to the Drifters Motorcycle Club.  Apparently I drank too much and we spent the night at Ron and Gail's because I passed out.  Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.  ♫♫♫ Can't stop thinking about those cars!

1265 - The first English parliament met in Westminster Hall. And today President Trump has his inauguration,   You Can't Always Get What You Want. ♬  Sing it Mick

Wad Medani Leadership
References in periodicals archive?
Also, at Khartoum International Airport, on the same day, a helicopter burst into flames minutes after Sudan's 2nd vice-president Hassabo Abdel Rahman disembarked upon returning from the city of Wad Medani.
Ghandour who addressed an NCP meeting in Wad Medani, the state capital of al-Gezira, vowed that this campaign is doomed to fail and will fire back at them when Sudanese people flock to the polls.
Hassabu revealed, in a political meeting at the Palace of Culture in Wad Medani Saturday, that the National Congress (NC) did not have the authority to postpone the elections because of its linkage with the law and constitution, adding that there is no logical reason stops or cancel the elections.
If you are concerned about our politics you don't have to look far for companionship.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Stephen 

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