Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017 Sunday #crossword#eternity#trustful?#0030#Busan

Get Fit
Exercising my brain today!  Crossword!

Get Faith
1 Chronicles 16:34  " Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever."  What does forever mean to you?  Is it waiting for a light to change?  Waiting till you can get home from school or work.  Waiting to see someone you love?  This forever is eternal that is referred to here.  Since the beginning - before creation, when it was only God, till the end of eternity, which is never.  That is a long time.  God invites us to spend this time, here, with him, now and then for all eternity.  A gift, bought and paid for by your Savior, Jesus the Christ.  All you need to do is know Him and His story, believe it (and you will)  and the gift is yours.  Thank you God for having mercy on us.

On this day
1976 -  Fridays I always went to the bank at Northland to cash my check and a lot of the guys at Quality gave me their checks to cash as well.  There was a Winkelmans store by the bank and I usually ran in there to find a little treat, on this day a new blouse.  I got back and Christine left early to go into Toronto to see her family.  I see that I was dating a few guys at this time, Pete and my old love Denny, but entertained Roy on this evening for a chat and some wine.  You will have to read my book from the seventies - I'm working on it.

0030 - Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. So this has the date as Good Friday.  The date isn't important, the message and result are.

From Anqing China to Busan South Korea
This is not a long trip today.  I thought it would be a good idea to look at South Korea as it is today.

You can see Busan, which is a large city on the southeast coast of Sea of Japan.  It is a large city, I'm sure we will find plenty to learn.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adam!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29, 2017 Saturday #Plank#everlalsting#BalloonBar#DUI#Qala'un#kimono!

Get Fit
You love them, you hate them — the plank is the true test of core strength. This ultimate isometric exercise engages the muscles in your abdominals, lower back, hips and arms. It’s not a surprise that many workouts begin and end with a some variation of a plank challenge. But do you find yourself lowering your hips or arching your back after a few seconds of holding it together? We feel you.
This from Daily Burn.    My suggestion is 3 one minute planks, I was up to 2 - 1 minute and then a 30 second but I am back to 1 - 1 minute.  Do what you can.

Get Faith
Psalm 100:5  "For the Lord is good.  His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."  We have difficulty dealing with what we know and think is  wrong in this world.  It is hard to understand/forgive others for things they consider right in their mind.  We also want people to consider our views and practices, usually to be seen as the right way.  Since Adam and Eve it has gone on and yet God is patient and kind - ..the Lord is good.  His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."  Not one of us has this ability.  Trust God to work out what you can't.

On this day
1967  This day is an excerpt from my book Come Get These Memories, if you don't already know.  It was one of the many days I went to the Balloon Bar to check on my future husband and possibly drive him home.  His mother or even his boss would let me know he hadn't made it home or he was drunk at the bar.  I went there on this day but he wouldn't leave so I left and went to a friend, Gail to "discuss" his drinking problem.  So much more risky these days,  I feel like drivers were smarter then when they saw a car weaving or speeding, they stayed out of the way.  Now, noone even notices, busy on their phones.

1289 - Qala'un, the Sultan of Egypt, captured Tripoli.   I love these old facts - always war (see get faith) and often names I've never heard.  Fun to look them up and learn. 

Chinese souvenirs
Silk Qipao How about a kimono to take home. My brother brought me home one while he was on R&R from Vietnam.  It was very similar to the aqua one in the picture.  Wonder what happened to it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017 Friday #Stretchhhhhhhhhhh#Hisimage#joyfulday#beef&broccoli!

Get Fit
I did the entire Pure and Simple stretch, I'm guessing because I was laying on the floor for most of it.  I might have even fallen asleep judging by the time, AND the cat was outside.  Maybe you would like something a little more energetic today?

Get Faith
Psalm 145:8  "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
The Lord is good to all, he has compassion on all he has made."  I would hope that someone reading this could attribute any part of it to me.  We are called to follow the God we love, to be like God as we are made in His image.  Does that mean we look like Him or that we act/respond like Him?  I hope I can be some of that because I love the Lord.

On this day
2012  Was a Saturday and I went and picked up Chris L that I knew from our youth group at church.  He wanted to work at camp and needed help with the paperwork so we went to breakfast.  (He is a young man that I see great potential in and pray for.)  Afterwards we went and picked up Alison and Anna and took them to church. (I think they were babysitting an event at church that day)  and then I took Chris home.  Later in the day Don, Mom and I went to my cousin Sherrys' daughter's wedding.  It wasn't like any other wedding we had been to.  It was Catholic - Chaldean, truly beautiful and a great opportunity to see different culture.  The reception was out of this world ornate, I felt I was in the company of royals.  We were a few relatives from Sherry's family - Mom and I, Betty B and Karen and cousins Barb and Colleen.  Busy day and great people to remember.  Kate, 5 years later has 2 beautiful girls.

0357 - Constantius II visited Rome for the first time. Maybe on his bucket list?

Chinese Food

  Beef and Broccoli on rice - sounds healthy and easy to make!  What's for dinner?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Parker! Julia, Sarah and Josh B !!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27, 2017 Thursday #Stretch#healing#lifesaver#Venice#Friedrice!

Ge!t Fit
If I could  only take my own advice.  I was going to do a stretching video that is really refreshing, almost as good as a massage.  I said almost.  But you can do some stretches or yoga, that works too.

Get Faith
Isaiah 41;10  "Fear not for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed.  I am your God.  I will strengthen you, I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."  I needed to hear this today.  This is the time of year when I have, most years, come down with Bronchitis.  Amazing that the study writer - for this day - posted this Bible verse.  You may poo poo this but I'm a believer.  Take it to the Lord in prayer!

On this day
2011  It might be good to remember all these things.  On this day I went to Dr Bill with abdominal pain.  He sent me to the ER at the hospital and I was admitted.  It was the beginning of another episode of bad health in my life that turned out to be a lifesaver.  I had an infection in the bowel due to diverticulitis that resulted in surgery 4 hospital stays later.  It ended a long time of suffering with something that was never diagnosed.  SO.  When things seem excessively bad, remember (me too) that God provides that light at the end of the tunnel.  If you are putting something off - don't!  Take care of yourself.

1509 - Pope Julius II excommunicated the Italian state of Venice. Wow!  the whole state?  Think of the money they saved on tithing envelopes!

Chinese Food!
 Who doesn't like Fried Rice?  Have some tonight!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Lucas, Taylor and Tim!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26, 2017 Wednesday #Ballet!#Unconditional#Sunday#Pazzi/Pizza#LaziJi!

Get Fit  Want those ballerina legs?  Try the ballet exercises!
Photo  Reach your inner child.

Get Faith
Psalm 116:2 "Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe!"  This should be my mantra.  The fact that I do not deserve the great love He has for me makes it so much more precious.  This from the study writer today "Thank You for mercifully seeing worth in me, Lord."  God looks at your heart and soul and knows the real you.  With that said, I still feel unworthy.  Do you realize how valuable and loved by God that you are?  Do you know what wonderful things He sees in you? Do you understand that He wants you with Him?  God is AWESOME!

On this day
2009  Nicole and I went to church at First English, it was confirmation Sunday.  (I love this day so much to see young people confirming their faith.)  Nicole was still in college at Albion and drove back after church.  It was a beautiful 80 degree day like today promises to be.  My neighbors Ty and Shannon still lived across the street - I loved my beer afternoons with Ty.  We could solve the problems of the world.  Mom and I had a nice Sunday dinner together.  Some days are the best because of the lack of content.

1478 - Pazzi conspirators attacked Lorenzo and killed Giuliano de'Medici. Our histories are so violent - do you get it?  Over pizza?  oh, that's Pazzi. Well still.

chinese Food!  
Chinese cuisine is an important part of Chinese culture, which includes cuisines originating from the diverse regions of China, as well as from Chinese people in other parts of the world. Because of the Chinese diaspora, Chinese cuisine has influenced many other cuisines in Asia, while alterations made to cater the local North American palate with its merging alongside other cuisine elements in the continent evolved into a new Chinese/American cuisine separate from that of China and the rest of Asia.

Làzǐ Jī, stir-fried chicken with chili and Sichuan pepper in Sichuan style  YUM!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelley!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017 Tuesday #Abs#example#recover#Timbuktu#Yangtzecruise!

Get Fit
Oh those abs!  My legs are still sore from the stupid cramps from those new shoes so I decided to lay on the floor and do situps.  Balance out the pain.  Do what you can!!!

Get Faith
Psalm 25:9  "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way."  We, most of us learn what is right from our parents or family whoever raised us.  How many of us got wrong information? Or not enough. It is so easy to look to a perfect application of how, why and what that God presents to us in His word, the Bible.  It is why we should do the best to direct those who have missed good upbringings to a better teaching.  Jesus was the perfect example of life here in this world.  Show someone the Way.

On this day
2006  Some days are just trying.  I called my friend Gerry who had the flu, then my friend from church Cheryl because her significant other Kevin was in the hospital with Pneumonia and then Mom and I went to my cousin Sandy's husbands funeral.  If you get too many of these days in a row it can wear on you.  But, Gerry healed and so did Kevin - I can't say about cousin Bill, but his wife is doing fine.  We get over these set backs and life goes on.  Not everyday is sunshine and roses like I usually try to post.  See that above post on how to survive these days.

1590 - The Sultan of Morocco launched his successful attack to capture Timbuktu. I wonder how Timbuktu got to be such a catch phrase?  

China sightseeing
Yangtze River

Winding about 3,964 miles, Yangtze River is the largest in China and the third largest in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Originating from the Tanggula Range in Qinghai Province in western China, it traverses eleven provinces and cities from west to east, including Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Finally it pours into the East China Sea at Shanghai.  Long cruise for one day or even a week.  Looks great though!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue! Dan!

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 Monday #shinsplints?#Listen#soccer#revenge#TheBund!

Get Fit
So yesterday I decided to wear some new shoes with a 2" heel to a bridal shower.  We had a little walk from the parking lot to the building, but not much really.  So I wake up in the night with horrendous cramps down the front of my shins, both legs.  What do you do for this?  I know I'm not the only person in the world that suffers this humiliation.  I take magnesium and I eat a banana most days and, as you know, I work out.  If you have any other suggestions let me know!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:11  "Tell me what to do, O Lord..."  Many times we wonder what to do when things are not right or just plain bad.  We wonder what the answer is to a nagging feeling that is annoying us.  The study writer suggests that we act on our thoughts and feelings and God will send us to and what we need to do.  Listen to a quiet whisper from God to act on your feelings.  Listen and pray.

On this day
2001   Nicole was in high school and had started up the soccer season.  They had a great team and she was the goalie.  April is the time when soccer from 3 year olds to up start showing up on Facebook.  I love to watch a game of little people playing and the one who goes out on the field and then lays down staring at the sky while everyone runs by them.  We are all called to different positions.  Nicole, you played Centerline on this day and won 3 to 1, just for the record.  Enjoy!

1519 - Envoys of Montezuma II attended the first Easter mass in Central America.  First thing that came to mind was Montezuma's revenge,  nothing to do with this, I think.

China sightseeing  - so much!!
The Bund is an area of Huangpu District which runs along the west bank of Huangpu River. With length of 1,700 meters, the Bund extending from Waibaidu Bridge (Garden Bridge in English) in the north to East-2 Zhongshan Road in the south is world-known destination and landmark of Shanghai. The Bund usually refers to the building and wharves on this section of road. Facing Huangpu River, the Bund houses 52 buildings of various architectural styles including Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, Neo-Classical and Art Deco so that it is nicknamed the world expo of architectures.

Looks like a great place to walk off these leg cramps!!  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Skip and Sandy E!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 Sunday #Walking#Renewed#Easter#PortugueseBrazilians#ForbiddenCity!

Get Fit
I know that weekends are a popular time for people to catch up on chores, exercising and socializing.  I have done the same for years.  I find yard work - not work but satisfying  and exercising exhilarating, but I try to remember that it is supposed to be a day of rest.  I am bad at rest.  Walking is the perfect answer to all your needs while enjoying your Sunday, maybe make it your go to!

Get Faith
Psalm 29:11 "He will give his people strength.  He will bless them with peace."  The study writer kept up with my above thought - "Pause, listen, and pray, dear child.  Drink in My presence.  Know that I am your Counselor, your Savior, your Physician, your Confidant and your Friend.  I am your Shepherd, and you, dear child, are my sheep.  I am with you, surrounding you with my love all of the time.  Rest awhile.  Let everything go.  Drink in the presence of my Spirit.  Take time to be refreshed and renewed."  Happy Sunday, your welcome.

On this day
2000  excerpt - it was Easter.  "Alice here, Nicole not well, Mom & Alice to church I met them there, Lindsey, Adele and Chris too,  home Marty & Jan over  Rox & Bill, Carman & Angela home Andy, Aaron & Norma called, Lindsey & Tom over Alice & I walked and she went home."  We always had busy holidays and I loved it.  Andy must have been working the streets of Detroit as a cop or he would have been here too.  Love the busy memories.

1500 - Pedro Cabal claimed Brazil for Portugal. Do you know how many countries were  discovered and claimed by Portugal?  I wonder how such a small country had such huge travel desire.  And, now you know why Brazilians speak Portuguese rather than Spanish like all around them.

China sightseeing

Forbidden City (Palace Museum)

A Bird's Eye View of Forbidden City
A Bird's Eye View of Forbidden City
 Pictures    Video

Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, and Gu Gong in Chinese, lies at the city center of Beijing, and once served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911). It was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of Emperor Chengzu in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Ancient Chinese Astronomers believed that the Purple Star (Polaris) was in the center of heaven and the Heavenly Emperor lived in the Purple Palace. The Palace for the emperor on earth was so called the Purple City. It was forbidden to enter without special permission of the emperor. Hence its name 'The Purple Forbidden City', 
Lets visit here today!!!

Enjoy  the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Morgan & Michelle

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22, 2017 Saturday #Useit!#Blessings#workethics#Watsons?#TerracottaWarriors!

Get Fit
Use it or lose it!  Tried the Arms and Abs workout this morning, now I will sit and read the rest of the day.  It doesn't take long to lose it I'm finding out.  Keep moving!!!!!

Get Faith
Psalm 40:5  "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell off them, they would be too many to declare."  This is your mission for the day - try to remember all of the amazing things God has given, provided and supplied you with in your life.  I think of family, my grandmother - the living on a lake, my education, the experiences life has shown me, my friends, my work, the beautiful world and my daughter.  I could go on but I won't, you get the idea?  Go!

On this day
1999  It was take your child to work day.  My child decided to go to work with my cousin Kathy V.  at the medical office she worked at.  Not sure who's idea this was, Kathy drew blood from patients, nothing Nicole would watch, lol.  I went to work and my bosses granddaughter Sheena, who was probably 7 or 8 came in to work with me.  Her dad, Nick worked there too.  Sheena did want to work for her grandfather and years later ran the scale occasionally for us.  What are your memories on "take your child to work day?"  I think it is so important for our kids to learn good work ethics - if you have them, it is a good idea, if not send them with your cousin.

1999 - The Watson Family received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ?? The Watson Family is the title of a recording by American folk music artist Doc Watson and The Watson Family, originally released in 1963.  What I found.

China sightseeing
The Terracotta Warriors, also referred as Terracotta Warriors and Horses, is located in east of Lintong District of Xian, China, lying Lishan Mountain in south and facing Weihe River in north. With its large scale and overwhelming momentum, the Terracotta Warriors is regarded as the Eighth World Wonder and was listed into 5A world cultural heritage in 1987.

   Think of the huge loss this artwork would be if anything happened to it?  Amazing

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Earth Day?  I think.

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017 Friday #aerobics#Godsplan#1998#planetfamily#Wall!

Get Fit
I don't hear to much about dance aerobics lately.  Well, maybe zumba, but it seems the trend is back to running and gym workouts.  I like an occasional morning of disco with Richard, just for fun.  Do what keeps you interested and motivated.

Get Faith
Psalm 33:11  "But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations."  Times change and it is hard to tell what the next change will be.  God knows and he has a plan that stays on track regardless of what we do.  I try to look at changing times that are evolving into new practice as a steady trek to the plan God has for each of us.  Fifty years ago, what we accepted as the rule is greatly changed in these days.  People in the workplace are different, how we manage our lives, marriage and raising children has all changed.  As times change our views will change as well.  I pray God helps us to make the correct decisions and move more to His plan.

On this day
1998 excerpt  "Nicole to school - I worked.  getting busy." (Excavating company and truck scale started to resume in spring.) " Home dinner Nicole  I to school track meeting" (Nicole ran track this year, not a fan) "We went to Bed,Bath and Beyond - gift for Patty R" (she was moving into her own place after living years with Mom and Dad)  "called Karen M" (softball was starting up.)  I just make short notes in the journal and leave myself wondering quite often what I meant.  Sorry, mostly a memory for Nicole. :)

1998 - Astronomers announced in Washington that they had discovered possible signs of a new family of planets orbiting a star 220 light-years away. Wow!  now this is interesting!

China sightseeing!
Our Guests Toasting on Badaling
The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, it winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 13,170 miles (21,196 kilometers) from east to west of China.

With a history of more than 2,000 years, some of the Great Wall sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, the Great Wall of China is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.  WE can only hope ours would only be a tourist attraction.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Maryann P Michael V and Don W!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017 Thursday #Pilates#God'sway#unexpectedhelp#sightseeing!

Get Fit
Got into some Pilates today.  Do you have a Pilates place near you?  They are all over I noticed.  It is a gradual program at your own speed.  You can start where you need to and get as far as you can.  Do you have bad hips, back, knees?  You do Pilates on your back so I like to think gravity helps with this.  Do what you can for you!!!!

Get Faith
Isaiah 55:8  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  The study writer mentioned being somewhere you need to be but don't want to be, like working at a fast food restaurant.  We can not always be in prayer in our happy place, but we still have to survive this life, regardless.  We did a Bible study on God at work a few years ago.  We are called to be the best employee, be the kindest coworker and the Christian in all places.  (In a perfect world)  Do your best and remember?  Smile!

On this day
1997 Speaking of work places.  I was trying to clean up the huge files that the boss had in storage upstairs.  He kept everything and asked for things everyday!   I spent a lot of time up there organizing and cleaning out things I knew he would not ask me to look for.  The next winter, his daughter came in and threw it ALL out. She would not be there when he wanted the Ace Truck Tire file that year.  His son did the same the next year.  After searching files for the last 4 years I had worked there, now I could only reply - "gone".  Thanks to them for that, saved me so much stress.  (He was very insulting if you couldn't find something.)  See!  things can get better! God at work.

1139 - The Second Lateran Council opened in Rome. ?  The Second Council of the Lateran is believed to have been the Tenth Ecumenical Council by Roman Catholics.  In case you wondered as I did.

China sightseeing

China Attractions

China boasts a large number of wonderful attractions including antique sites and relics, imposing imperial palaces, delicate water towns, amazing natural wonders, splendid cultural heritage, and diversified folk customs. It will take years to visit all of these attractions, but it is fairly easily to tour the top attractions. Over years, has handpicked many tour itineraries to cover these highlights throughout the country.  WE can look at a few of these over the next few days!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan W and Greg P.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017 Wednesday #resist!#Tithe#Sam&Vipers#Aelfheah#Xiang

Get Fit
Getting back on track did some leg, arm and chest with the resistance  band.  They don't necessarily look 20 years younger but they feel it if you keep on going.

Get Faith
Proverbs 11:18  "He who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward."  It has been my experience that when I am generous with others, tithe to the church and do what I can, it comes  back to me twice.  I don't question how that works, my faith covers the question.  It just makes sense if you don't give you don't get - BUT don't do it to get back or I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.  What do you think?

On this day
1996  A couple  things on this day.  My bosses wife found kitties on the golf course and Nicole got Sam.  He was a great kitty.  Today Mom had picked him up from the vet after he had "the surgery".  He had asthma but lived 16 years and was a sweet boy, right Nicole?  After school and work Nicole, I and Craig, plus Waynette and her family went out to the Palace to see the Vipers.  Anybody remember that team?  What happened to them?

1012 - Aelfheah was murdered by Danes who had been ravaging the south of England. Aelfhear became the 29th Archbishop of Canterbury in 1005 Ok, who can say this guys name?

China sports

List of Chinese records in athletics

If you have all day to look at this list, go ahead.  As we know they are top athletes, driven by that Chinese will to compete and do well.  The list is huge, of course and only goes back to 2003 that I saw.


Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday to Sherry, Robyn and Kayla!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017 Tuesday #DancinGrannies#Smile#Goodmemories#Reformation#Qian Xuan

Get Fit
Was cleaning out another box and found an old video that Mom had.  It was Dancing Grannies, a video exercise so you know I had to look at it.  Well,  they are all younger than I am and it is a little lame but they are moving and I am still in a weakened condition

Get Faith
Psalm 20;5  "We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up banners!"
The study writer talked about smiling.  I have for a while noticed that people wonder what I am so happy about, "you smile a lot".  Yep, Have you ever looked in the rear view mirror when you are sitting at a light and caught that "get outta my way" look on your face?  It's scary.  We can rejoice in our salvation and reflect that joy to those around us - saying I'm a Christian and looking like you are about to deliver a throat punch isn't right.  Lol -  keep checking that mirror and set up happy banners.

On this day
1994  Just a normal day, I worked, Marty took Nicole to school, school called, Nicole was sick, Mom picked her up.  When I got home though, something different.  There can always be that one thing that stands out of the normal. An old boyfriend from the early 80's called to see how I was doing.  He didn't say anything but I know from friends that went to Florida later that he died shortly after.  He must have been saying goodbye.  I'm glad to know that I didn't burn bridges so bad that people care enough to call and say goodbye.  Probably just remembering the good times.  RIP Chuck.

1521 - Martin Luther confronted the emperor Charles V in the Diet of Worms and refused to retract his views that led to his excommunication. You know I had to repost this!  And, did you know that the Pope attended the celebration of the 500 anniversary of the Reformation last year?  I heard it.

China More art - because

Early Autumn, 13th century, by Song loyalist painter Qian Xuan. The decaying lotus leaves and dragonflies hovering over stagnant water are probably a veiled criticism of Mongol rule.[1]  This is  beautiful, there is so much artwork to look at from China.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michele P!

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017 Monday #yoga#blessings#Pete&Franks#USA!#Chineseart

Get Fit
Actually did my AM yoga this morning.  Was nice to put the cat out and the stretch like the cat without worrying I would be one with the cat.  He likes to get involved.

Get Faith
Psalm 13:5  "But I will always trust in you and in your mercy and shall rejoice in your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord because he has blessed me richly."  I needed this reminder today and the study writer gave a very uplifting long prayer here that reminded me of all I should be thankful for and that He will give me the strength to handle what ever I need.  Through the salvation we have from our beautiful Savior Jesus Christ that we celebrated yesterday at Easter.  I hope your day starts as promising as mine.  "Yesterday is past, today is fleeting, and tomorrow is around the bend.  Life is too short for me to hold onto any phase of my life and miss out on the blessings You have in store  for me."  Amen!

On this day
1992  It was Good Friday and I went to Pete and Franks produce store.  I actually said to Nicole 2 days ago - "I wish Pete and Franks was still open"  I loved that place, good stuff and not as jammed before a holiday as the other place.  Do you have favorite stores that have closed and now you miss?  The way on line shopping is going - if you like a store you better do your best to frequent it or you will be missing it, like I miss Pete and Franks.

1492 - Christopher Columbus signed a contract with Spain to find a passage to Asia and the Indies. This is a pretty meaningful memory, thanks Chris!  Love my country.

Anqing China
Chinese art is visual art that, whether ancient or modern, originated in or is practiced in China or by Chinese artists. The Chinese art in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and that of overseas Chinese can also be considered part of Chinese art where it is based in or draws on Chinese heritage and Chinese culture. Early "stone age art" dates back to 10,000 BC, mostly consisting of simple pottery and sculptures. After this early period Chinese art, like Chinese history, is typically classified by the succession of ruling dynasties of Chinese emperors, most of which lasted several hundred years.
Chinese jade ornament, with dragon and phoenix design, of the late Spring and Autumn period (722–482 BC).This is an old country with a lot of great artwork.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15, 2017 Saturday tax day#salvation#vigil#1991#ecosystem

Get Faith
Psalm 13:5  "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."  This from psalms on the Saturday before Easter Sunday holds more meaning for me.  After remembering yesterday His death on the cross for me I do rejoice in that salvation everyday!  God is good!

On this day between the crucifixion and the resurrection we have vigil.  As our Pastor yesterday pointed out, think of how the disciples and His followers and loved ones felt, seeing Him dead on the cross, seeing Him buried in a tomb.  Was their faith still there or were they understandably shaken to the core with fear and disbelief?  We know that tomorrow He will be risen and we will  rejoice.  Today we remember the vigil, that time of uncertainties, sorrow and prayer.

On this day
1991 - I was lucky enough to be a stay at home Mom with Nicole for 8 years and I thank my ex for that.  On this day, Nicole was six and in the first grade at school, I worked at church and then got home in time to pick her up from school.  Life was so good.  I was the Superintendant of Sunday School then and maybe the Outreach Director too.  I loved that a path had opened for me to regain my faith that I had strayed away from.  More important than my being "reborn" into the faith is the basis for Nicole's faith and her involvement that has continued and grown all these years, and the love she has for it.  I thank God for that!

1794 - "Courrier Francais" became the first French daily newspaper to be published in the U.S. I wonder if it was printed in French and how many people here spoke French then?  I suppose you could still get a French newspaper on line  if  you wanted to practice.

BEIJING, April 15 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese official has called for more to be done to ensure ecological security as the country observed National Security Education Day on Saturday.
China faces multiple challenges in this regard, including water loss, soil erosion and smog, noted an unnamed official with the National Development and Reform Commission.
China has 2.95 million square kilometers of land suffering from water losses and soil erosion, and 1.73 million square kilometers of desertificated land, according to the official.
To improve the environment, China needs to strengthen control and regulation over the use of land and resources, and implement green industrial policies, the official stressed.
Related laws and regulations should be improved to hold local officials to account when environment damage is incurred, the official said, calling for the building of a mechanism for paid use of natural resources.
China will also step up protection and restoration of the ecological system and address key problems such as water, air and soil pollution.  This sounds like a world wide problem.  I hope it is our worse problem regarding the health of our earth.  
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Carol C and Dan

Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14, 2017 Good Friday #SuperStar#EAstereggs!#errorless#清明节

Get Faith
Started the day listening to Jesus Christ Superstar.  It is not a Biblical depiction of the story but Andrew Lloyd Webbers idea of the story told from the eyes of Judas.  Certainly a different view than any theologian had taken before.  If, in the seventies it awoke any souls to the story of Jesus, and I like to think it did, then it had merit as something more than a great work of art.  To one of the first generations of our time that ditched the Christian church it was a timely piece of music and a great show.  I saw it at the Fisher Theater with the original orchestra and cast and unfortunately am now a Super Star snob.  I saw it later at the Masonic Temple when I took Nicole and Lindsey to see it.  Nicole is also a Super Star snob because she listened to the original at home for many years.  If you haven't heard it before I would suggest it on this day that the entire story is based on, well the beginning of a great story that climaxes on Sunday - the Resurrection.  He lives!  Happy Easter!

On this day
1990  Nicole would have been five and it was the Easter egg hunt at church.  I believe it was the year a friend from school showed up and she thought it was really "cool" to have a friend to look for eggs with.  When Easter falls this late in the season you can usually get better weather.  I remember years when it was raining or so cold the eggs probably froze.  Oh, we used plastic eggs with jelly beans in them.  I just saw on TV that that is not a good idea, kids can pick up something from possibly,  dirty plastic eggs that you but candy in.  I don't remember anyone getting sick doing this - but what are your experiences?  We used to buy back the eggs for a penny so we wouldn't have to buy new every year.  I guess you could think of the people in the temple selling and trading that got in trouble with Jesus.  Whew, lot to think about.

1990 - Cal Ripken of the Baltimore Orioles began a streak of 95 errorless games and 431 total chances by a shortstop. Wow this is good news  must not have been a war on.

China Holidays

Alternative name

Chinese Memorial Day/Tomb Sweeping Day/All Souls Day  Not what I was thinking it would be.  I guess tomb sweeping fits with our Good Friday

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe K!! And Nancy W!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017 Maundy Thursday #inHispresence#Sickkids#healing#Dream

Get Faith
John 14:3 (Jesus said)  "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am there you may be also."  When the writer says that on that day we will see Jesus' face.  I always think to myself (although I know I am forgiven) that I will never be worthy to see His face, and I am ok with that as long as I am in His company.  I feel like what we consider here to be a "face" will be different there.  It is only important that you know he waits for you and has prepared a place for you with Him.  For a start, go to church and share communion tonight.

Prayer - "Mighty and merciful God, accept our thanks and have patience when we forget our dependence on you.  Amen."

On this day
1986  Nicole was not a year old and was sick.  I medicated and gave her bottles of water and fluids to keep her temperature down, rocked and held her all day.  It is miserable when babies are sick.  The family and friends all called asking how she was, what could they do.  This week Emmitt, my friend Pam's grandson was sick with Tonsillitis and a high fever, I heard the same sad story about trying to give them relief and get some sleep.  When he finally slept they cancelled all other plans so they wouldn't have to move him.  It also brings to mind all those babies in Syria.  We feel so helpless when babies are sick, there is nothing worse.

1598 - King Henry IV of France signed the Edict of Nantes which granted political rights to French Protestant Huguenots. This sounds like progress in the healing of the Christian church.

China music
Cinema Modeoff

Chinese Zen Music: Guzheng & Erhu music, Zen Music, instrumental music, chinese music

Peaceful Chinese Zen Music with traditional instruments playing the solos (Guzheng and Erhu) NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection ...
youtube.com1 year ago  This is pretty nice!!  Take a listen!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aubry

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017 Wednesday #Rita#HelloGod#pray#familydinner#中华人民共和国

Get Fit
You remember Rita Moreno don't you?  From West Side Story and other things as well.  I have a dance video (that hasn't died yet) that I have been using for 20 years.  It always reminds me that she never ages, duh.  It reminds me of Mom saying she watched a movie one day and Clark Gable was in it and she was amazed at how good he still looked.  I am my mother.

Get Faith
Isaiah 43:1  "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine."  The Bible repeats this restoring message that God calls, cares and identifies with you.  He knows your name and everything about you and loves you unconditionally.  If you call His name, in song, in sorrow or in prayer, He will hear you.  You are on a first name basis with God.

Table prayers.  They should be routine.  Ours is "Come Lord Jesus be our guest and let this food to us be blessed."  I sometimes add "Blest be God who is our bread, may all the world be clothes and fed." What prayer do you use?  Even a heartfelt "thank you God" is acceptable.

On this day
1984 - I had my family Mom, Andy, Alice, Mark, Uncle Hank and Aunt Teresa and also Mark's family Pat and Ed and Jan over for dinner.  Mark and I had a quick courtship and were getting married soon and I though it would be nice to have the important people in my family meet each other.  The wedding was the 20th so there was no time to waste.  I'm not sure if we said a dinner prayer or not.

1984 - Israeli troops stormed a bus that had been hijacked the previous evening by four Arab terrorists. All the passengers were rescued and 2 of the hijackers were killed.  This could be an item in today's paper, huh?  33 years later no smarter.

China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.381 billion.[15] The state is governed by the Communist Party of China and its capital is Beijing.[16] It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, TianjinShanghai and Chongqing) and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau), also claiming sovereignty over Taiwan. The country's major urban areas include Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Hong Kong. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower.[17][18]  no kidding.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017 Tuesday #Pilates#Today#1983#Linghu Park

Get Fit
Made it through the entire Pilates video this morning!   Takes so long to get back to where you were before a setback.  Stay on track!

Get Faith
Psalm 118;24  "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  The Lord gives us a new day, everyday and it is up to us to make the best of it.  What will you do with this day?  Work probably or attend school.  Go home and clean, cook, take care of children or pets.  Take a walk or go to the gym and exercise.  So many things we fit into a normal day.  We should try to do one thing everyday to honor God, because after all, He has made this day for you.

Evening prayers - do you say your bedtime prayers?  I can't sleep if I don't.  I remember even when I came home from the bar I remembered to say my prayers or be bothered the next day to remember if I had.  They have become so rote, I don't have to think about them.  Not sure that is a good thing.

On this day
1983  I was still working at the Picture Frame company.  Business was very bad.  I made calls at a lot of retail shops to upgrade their samples, see if they needed anything, jut to keep in touch.  Many of those small shops did not survive the mini depressions we had those years.  I would go by a place to call on them and they would be closed.  Times change.  Now we are seeing huge malls closing because of on-line shopping.  Wonder what the next change will bring.  We are a resilient people though - we always find a way to survive.

1876 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was organized. Anybody an Elk?  

Anqing China
Linghu Park Linghu Park  Looks like a great place to spend the day.
I have been trying to copy the alphabet in Chinese.  It is very interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017 Monday #Don't#StaywithGod#belong#toomuchfun#tea

Get Fit

10 Fitness Mistakes You Should Stop Making In Order To Progress  Put this in and search so that you don't hurst yourself starting a program.  (Put shoveling dirt at the top of the list.)

Get Faith
Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you: never will I forsake you."  When I hear these words I always remember Pastor telling us in Bible study that God doesn't leave us, if you don't think He is there it is because you have left Him.  I believe God hears and heals us, we just need to be present and listening.

The morning blessing - Start your day by making the sign of the cross "God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit watch over me, Amen."  The study writer suggests this is a good way to get a good start on the day, remembering who you belong to.

On this day
1982   As in so many days during these years it said I had a hangover and then I got sick with the flu.  If I knew then what I know now.  I can now read back in my journals and see the connection between my partying and my illnesses.  I'm lucky my daughter came along in 1985 to save my life. Thank you Nicole.

1825 - The first hotel opened in Hawaii. Someone really made a good call!

Anqing China
Anqing has remained a medium-sized provincial city, an important commercial centre for the plain north of the Yangtze, and a market for tea produced in the mountains both north and south of the river. While also a local cultural centre, it has remained comparatively stagnant after losing its status as provincial capital. Its modern industrial development includes a petrochemical works that produces fuel oils and synthetic ammonia, an oil refinery, and a new port. Factories manufacturing auto parts, textiles, and building materials have also been established. In addition to its access to easy navigation on the Yangtze, Anqing is connected by railways and expressways to Hefei (capital of Anhui province), Nanchang (capital of Jiangxi province to the south), and Wuhan (capital of Hubei province to the west). These transportation links have greatly facilitated the city’s economic growth. Pop. (2002 est.) 384,701.
Dynasty Chinese Restaurant Tea BagPractice your chinese charactors!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Beebs!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017 Sunday #outside#plans#lindsey#Septimus#中安在线

Get Fit
Fresh air and sunshine are two of the healthiest things I can think of, unless - you have allergies and are sun sensitive.  My goal for today is at least get out and get some of that, which I don't have a problem with.

Get Faith
Psalm 40-5  "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you planned for us no one can recount to you."  Today is Palm Sunday, a part of God's plan for his Son Jesus Christ.  The writer on this study talks about how our plans can take years to come to fruition.  If you have plans for retirement or even next years vacation you are way ahead of Jesus.  He was 33 and the plan for him was to ride victorious into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and later in the week be crucified on a cross, die and be buried.  And, He knew it.  The only one that plan worked out well for was us.

To ponder came from Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix, I am a fan of her preaching.  "How we feel about Jesus or how close we feel to God is meaningless next to how God acts upon us.  How God indeed enters into our messy lives and loves us through them, whether we want God's help of not."

On this day
1979 - I have had bronchial problems since I was a child.  At this time I was laid up at home with an pneumothorax condition - a hole in my lung.  I had been home for weeks because the  option was going into the hospital and I didn't want that.  This day was also noted for a horrible ice storm that crippled traffic and caused many power outages.  The roads were barely passable.  And, then Adele had my niece Lindsey Ann.   Today!  is a beautiful day, sunshine and 70, a great day for a drive and Lindsey turns 38 with a new baby of her own.  Another one of God's great plans.

0193 - In the Balkans, the distinguished soldier Septimius Seversus was proclaimed emperor by the army in Illyricum. His name sounds like something out of a Harry Potter movie.  Another point is the army proclaimed the emperor?  Think about that in our time.

Anqing China
Photo of Jushi Mountain

Jushi Mountain  

中安在线4 of 5 bubblesReviewed September 28, 2015
One of my favourite places in Anqing - a rather nondescript town otherwise - definitely its saving grace and a pis aller when you feel you can't take Anqing anymore and it's making you go bananas and apemonkeyshit. Place blessed by tranquility, there aren't too many visitors - so as a foreigner, you don't get hounded, waylaid and accosted all at the same time, serpentine routes, quite a tiring climb to the peak - all in all, everything you want from going amature trekking. A word of advice: unless you're a hardened trekker, do buy a two-way ticket for the cable cars;)  unsolicited advice.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lindsey & Julie!! Megan and Jim S  too!