Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017 Monday #Don't#StaywithGod#belong#toomuchfun#tea

Get Fit

10 Fitness Mistakes You Should Stop Making In Order To Progress  Put this in and search so that you don't hurst yourself starting a program.  (Put shoveling dirt at the top of the list.)

Get Faith
Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you: never will I forsake you."  When I hear these words I always remember Pastor telling us in Bible study that God doesn't leave us, if you don't think He is there it is because you have left Him.  I believe God hears and heals us, we just need to be present and listening.

The morning blessing - Start your day by making the sign of the cross "God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit watch over me, Amen."  The study writer suggests this is a good way to get a good start on the day, remembering who you belong to.

On this day
1982   As in so many days during these years it said I had a hangover and then I got sick with the flu.  If I knew then what I know now.  I can now read back in my journals and see the connection between my partying and my illnesses.  I'm lucky my daughter came along in 1985 to save my life. Thank you Nicole.

1825 - The first hotel opened in Hawaii. Someone really made a good call!

Anqing China
Anqing has remained a medium-sized provincial city, an important commercial centre for the plain north of the Yangtze, and a market for tea produced in the mountains both north and south of the river. While also a local cultural centre, it has remained comparatively stagnant after losing its status as provincial capital. Its modern industrial development includes a petrochemical works that produces fuel oils and synthetic ammonia, an oil refinery, and a new port. Factories manufacturing auto parts, textiles, and building materials have also been established. In addition to its access to easy navigation on the Yangtze, Anqing is connected by railways and expressways to Hefei (capital of Anhui province), Nanchang (capital of Jiangxi province to the south), and Wuhan (capital of Hubei province to the west). These transportation links have greatly facilitated the city’s economic growth. Pop. (2002 est.) 384,701.
Dynasty Chinese Restaurant Tea BagPractice your chinese charactors!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Beebs!

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