Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29, 2017 Saturday #Plank#everlalsting#BalloonBar#DUI#Qala'un#kimono!

Get Fit
You love them, you hate them — the plank is the true test of core strength. This ultimate isometric exercise engages the muscles in your abdominals, lower back, hips and arms. It’s not a surprise that many workouts begin and end with a some variation of a plank challenge. But do you find yourself lowering your hips or arching your back after a few seconds of holding it together? We feel you.
This from Daily Burn.    My suggestion is 3 one minute planks, I was up to 2 - 1 minute and then a 30 second but I am back to 1 - 1 minute.  Do what you can.

Get Faith
Psalm 100:5  "For the Lord is good.  His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."  We have difficulty dealing with what we know and think is  wrong in this world.  It is hard to understand/forgive others for things they consider right in their mind.  We also want people to consider our views and practices, usually to be seen as the right way.  Since Adam and Eve it has gone on and yet God is patient and kind - ..the Lord is good.  His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."  Not one of us has this ability.  Trust God to work out what you can't.

On this day
1967  This day is an excerpt from my book Come Get These Memories, if you don't already know.  It was one of the many days I went to the Balloon Bar to check on my future husband and possibly drive him home.  His mother or even his boss would let me know he hadn't made it home or he was drunk at the bar.  I went there on this day but he wouldn't leave so I left and went to a friend, Gail to "discuss" his drinking problem.  So much more risky these days,  I feel like drivers were smarter then when they saw a car weaving or speeding, they stayed out of the way.  Now, noone even notices, busy on their phones.

1289 - Qala'un, the Sultan of Egypt, captured Tripoli.   I love these old facts - always war (see get faith) and often names I've never heard.  Fun to look them up and learn. 

Chinese souvenirs
Silk Qipao How about a kimono to take home. My brother brought me home one while he was on R&R from Vietnam.  It was very similar to the aqua one in the picture.  Wonder what happened to it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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