Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 8, 2017 Saturday #Legs#Spirit#Word#Yesterdays#Fountainofyouth# 漢朝;

Get Fit
Warmed up with Dancers legs.  I used to have legs like a dancer but like everything else its well, changed.  But for those few moments when I am warming up like a dancer - I am.  They do strengthen the legs - squats, calf raises and jumping jacks, all get the legs and heart pumping.

Get Faith
2 Timothy 4:22 "The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.  Grace be with you, Amen."  We speak these words to one another hoping the best for each other.  Timothy wished for the Lord to be with your spirit.  That part of you that belongs to God and is here on earth in you.  Maybe you refer to it as your soul.  That part of you sent to life at your birth to remain here till it is called home.  I wish also that Grace be with you.  That which God imparts to your spirit to keep in touch, be loved and forgiven.  We are closer to God than we know.  Grace and Peace be with you.

Communion - Given for you - Shed for you, the words that complete the communion.  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh."  Does this tie communion together for you?

On this day
1977 - I worked half day and later my friend Nan and I went out to the bar - Yesterdays.  It doesn't say but I knew when it said worked half day, that it was Good Friday.  It is hard to stay in the faith when you are young.

1513 - Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain. I think its funny that he thought the fountain of youth was there, well so do a lot of old people now.  Not working very well.

Anqing China
A county was founded at the site under the Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce) in the 2nd century bce and was named Wan. In the 4th century ce it was called Huaining—a name it retained until the 20th century. It became the seat of a commandery called Tong’an under the Sui dynasty (581–618). Under the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279) dynasties the town was known as the Shu prefecture. The name Anqing was first given to a military prefecture set up there in the late 12th century; this was subsequently transformed into a civil superior prefecture called Anqing. At the beginning of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12), it became the capital of the new province of Anhui and the administrative seat of its governor-general. It remained the provincial capital until 1937. It then remained as the seat of Huaining county until 1949, when the county seat was separated from the county, was set up as a city, and assumed its present name. Old country, old history!  Han dynasty  漢朝

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Monna

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