Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 Monday #shinsplints?#Listen#soccer#revenge#TheBund!

Get Fit
So yesterday I decided to wear some new shoes with a 2" heel to a bridal shower.  We had a little walk from the parking lot to the building, but not much really.  So I wake up in the night with horrendous cramps down the front of my shins, both legs.  What do you do for this?  I know I'm not the only person in the world that suffers this humiliation.  I take magnesium and I eat a banana most days and, as you know, I work out.  If you have any other suggestions let me know!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:11  "Tell me what to do, O Lord..."  Many times we wonder what to do when things are not right or just plain bad.  We wonder what the answer is to a nagging feeling that is annoying us.  The study writer suggests that we act on our thoughts and feelings and God will send us to and what we need to do.  Listen to a quiet whisper from God to act on your feelings.  Listen and pray.

On this day
2001   Nicole was in high school and had started up the soccer season.  They had a great team and she was the goalie.  April is the time when soccer from 3 year olds to up start showing up on Facebook.  I love to watch a game of little people playing and the one who goes out on the field and then lays down staring at the sky while everyone runs by them.  We are all called to different positions.  Nicole, you played Centerline on this day and won 3 to 1, just for the record.  Enjoy!

1519 - Envoys of Montezuma II attended the first Easter mass in Central America.  First thing that came to mind was Montezuma's revenge,  nothing to do with this, I think.

China sightseeing  - so much!!
The Bund is an area of Huangpu District which runs along the west bank of Huangpu River. With length of 1,700 meters, the Bund extending from Waibaidu Bridge (Garden Bridge in English) in the north to East-2 Zhongshan Road in the south is world-known destination and landmark of Shanghai. The Bund usually refers to the building and wharves on this section of road. Facing Huangpu River, the Bund houses 52 buildings of various architectural styles including Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, Neo-Classical and Art Deco so that it is nicknamed the world expo of architectures.

Looks like a great place to walk off these leg cramps!!  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Skip and Sandy E!!!

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