Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017 Thursday #Jillian#doubting#communion#isolated#arrow?#振风塔;

Get Fit
Made a feeble stab at circuit training with Jillian.  Thinking I should get the Dancing Grannies video back out of the give away bag.  I made it through the warm up and set one of the weighted workouts.  Baby steps.

Get Faith
Mathew 20:27  "Then He said to Thomas Put your finger here; see my hands.  Reach out your hand and put it into my side.  Stop doubting and believe." This was after Jesus rose from the dead and showed himself to his disciples.  Thomas had heard them say they saw Him, but wouldn't believe until he saw for himself.  Are you like that?  You have to see to believe?  I think most people are when it is something that unbelievable.  Our leader and friend is back from the dead?  Really?  Show me!  Come to Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and finally to the empty cross on Easter Sunday.  Let us show you His presence with us.

Holy Communion is this remembering and believing over and over that Christ shed His blood for us and returns to us every time in communion.  Come to the Cross during Holy Week and remember.

On this day
1975 - Pete and I went up to Jan's parents cottage up north somewhere.  I worked with Jan, she was a wonderful girl from a real Polish family, great warm people.  It was just Pete and I and the dog, Ziggy who really enjoyed the trip the most.  Pete not so much, it was very isolated and there wasn't even a TV.  This should have been an omen to us.  I read and wrote poetry all weekend and he couldn't wait to get back to the city.  The dog liked it.

1199 - English King Richard I was killed by an arrow at the siege of the castle of Chaluz in France. This is old news, killed by an arrow.  The King?  Where were his protectors?  Did he ride first into battle?  So many questions - he needed a better script writer.

Anqing China
The Zhenfeng Pagoda (simplified Chinese振风塔traditional Chinese振風塔pinyinZhènfēng Tǎ) in Anqing City, Anhui Province, People's Republic of China, is a pagoda originally built in 1570 during the Ming Dynasty. Due to its location near a bend in the Yangtze River, the pagoda was formerly used as a lighthouse, and contains niches for lanterns.[1] After construction, the pagoda was initially called the "Ten-thousand Buddha" (万佛塔) pagoda due to its interior containing over six hundred statues of the Buddha.[2]


Built of brick and 72 metres (236 ft) tall, each of the pagoda's seven stories has seven corners, thereby creating a heptagon. Above the windows on each floor are a set of flying eaves. From the first to the sixth floor, arched doorways lead to an outside balcony. A total of 168 stairs inside the pagoda allow access to the top floor. The walls are tapered slightly, shaping the structure into a partial cone.[2]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chad and Dave!

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