Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017 Tuesday #Pilates#Today#1983#Linghu Park

Get Fit
Made it through the entire Pilates video this morning!   Takes so long to get back to where you were before a setback.  Stay on track!

Get Faith
Psalm 118;24  "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  The Lord gives us a new day, everyday and it is up to us to make the best of it.  What will you do with this day?  Work probably or attend school.  Go home and clean, cook, take care of children or pets.  Take a walk or go to the gym and exercise.  So many things we fit into a normal day.  We should try to do one thing everyday to honor God, because after all, He has made this day for you.

Evening prayers - do you say your bedtime prayers?  I can't sleep if I don't.  I remember even when I came home from the bar I remembered to say my prayers or be bothered the next day to remember if I had.  They have become so rote, I don't have to think about them.  Not sure that is a good thing.

On this day
1983  I was still working at the Picture Frame company.  Business was very bad.  I made calls at a lot of retail shops to upgrade their samples, see if they needed anything, jut to keep in touch.  Many of those small shops did not survive the mini depressions we had those years.  I would go by a place to call on them and they would be closed.  Times change.  Now we are seeing huge malls closing because of on-line shopping.  Wonder what the next change will bring.  We are a resilient people though - we always find a way to survive.

1876 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was organized. Anybody an Elk?  

Anqing China
Linghu Park Linghu Park  Looks like a great place to spend the day.
I have been trying to copy the alphabet in Chinese.  It is very interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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