Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017 Tuesday# situps#Friend#communion#Elvis!#WTC#安庆市

Get Fit
Yesterday I mentioned super agers.  My friend Chris sent me a video of Millie, her 97 year old mother doing sit ups.  She did 8.  Now, what about you?  How many can you do.  Check with a doctor first though.  If you haven't been doing regular exercises and you are over 70  there are some things they say you shouldn't do at all.  Check first so you don't hurt yourself.  I have been doing Pilates for 20 years so I don't have an excuse.

Get Faith
John 15:15 -16  No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.  You did not choose Me, but I chose you.  Here, Jesus declares his love for His friends, the disciples.  He walked the earth 2000 + years ago but, is still present with us.  Remember?  He was raised from the dead.  Now He is all of our friend.  What a friend we have in Jesus.  Stay with him now and return to the Cross, our common ground.

Lenten study - Communion.  The presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine.  The Body and the Blood.  He returns on every occasion to be present when we have communion.  It is one of the great mysteries that separate believers.  You have to have faith to understand, but just as Jesus gave it to His disciples at the last supper - so He gives it, of Himself to you - every time.  Take and eat.  Take and drink. You are always welcome at His table.  He wants you to have it.

On this day
1973  Was a normal, boring day - worked, did some laundry, washed my hair.  I lived in Birmingham with Waynette at this time and I remember the excitement we had while we waited for the highlight of the day to come on television.  It was an Elvis Presley Special, and believe me we were glued to the set!

1973 - In New York, the original World Trade Center twin towers opened. At the time they were the tallest building in the world. Knowing what we know now, this is much more momentis.

Anqing China
Prefecture-level city
Bridge on the Yangtze River in Anqing Anhui China.jpg
Location of Anqing City jurisdiction in Anhui
  I think the characters of their writing are interesting.  It would be interesting to see them and understand the word like reading our own language.  See the above Anqing Chinese spelling.  And it looks like a beautiful place as well.
Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  

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