Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 Sunday #Walking#Renewed#Easter#PortugueseBrazilians#ForbiddenCity!

Get Fit
I know that weekends are a popular time for people to catch up on chores, exercising and socializing.  I have done the same for years.  I find yard work - not work but satisfying  and exercising exhilarating, but I try to remember that it is supposed to be a day of rest.  I am bad at rest.  Walking is the perfect answer to all your needs while enjoying your Sunday, maybe make it your go to!

Get Faith
Psalm 29:11 "He will give his people strength.  He will bless them with peace."  The study writer kept up with my above thought - "Pause, listen, and pray, dear child.  Drink in My presence.  Know that I am your Counselor, your Savior, your Physician, your Confidant and your Friend.  I am your Shepherd, and you, dear child, are my sheep.  I am with you, surrounding you with my love all of the time.  Rest awhile.  Let everything go.  Drink in the presence of my Spirit.  Take time to be refreshed and renewed."  Happy Sunday, your welcome.

On this day
2000  excerpt - it was Easter.  "Alice here, Nicole not well, Mom & Alice to church I met them there, Lindsey, Adele and Chris too,  home Marty & Jan over  Rox & Bill, Carman & Angela home Andy, Aaron & Norma called, Lindsey & Tom over Alice & I walked and she went home."  We always had busy holidays and I loved it.  Andy must have been working the streets of Detroit as a cop or he would have been here too.  Love the busy memories.

1500 - Pedro Cabal claimed Brazil for Portugal. Do you know how many countries were  discovered and claimed by Portugal?  I wonder how such a small country had such huge travel desire.  And, now you know why Brazilians speak Portuguese rather than Spanish like all around them.

China sightseeing

Forbidden City (Palace Museum)

A Bird's Eye View of Forbidden City
A Bird's Eye View of Forbidden City
 Pictures    Video

Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, and Gu Gong in Chinese, lies at the city center of Beijing, and once served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911). It was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of Emperor Chengzu in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Ancient Chinese Astronomers believed that the Purple Star (Polaris) was in the center of heaven and the Heavenly Emperor lived in the Purple Palace. The Palace for the emperor on earth was so called the Purple City. It was forbidden to enter without special permission of the emperor. Hence its name 'The Purple Forbidden City', 
Lets visit here today!!!

Enjoy  the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Morgan & Michelle

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