Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017 Wednesday #resist!#Tithe#Sam&Vipers#Aelfheah#Xiang

Get Fit
Getting back on track did some leg, arm and chest with the resistance  band.  They don't necessarily look 20 years younger but they feel it if you keep on going.

Get Faith
Proverbs 11:18  "He who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward."  It has been my experience that when I am generous with others, tithe to the church and do what I can, it comes  back to me twice.  I don't question how that works, my faith covers the question.  It just makes sense if you don't give you don't get - BUT don't do it to get back or I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.  What do you think?

On this day
1996  A couple  things on this day.  My bosses wife found kitties on the golf course and Nicole got Sam.  He was a great kitty.  Today Mom had picked him up from the vet after he had "the surgery".  He had asthma but lived 16 years and was a sweet boy, right Nicole?  After school and work Nicole, I and Craig, plus Waynette and her family went out to the Palace to see the Vipers.  Anybody remember that team?  What happened to them?

1012 - Aelfheah was murdered by Danes who had been ravaging the south of England. Aelfhear became the 29th Archbishop of Canterbury in 1005 Ok, who can say this guys name?

China sports

List of Chinese records in athletics

If you have all day to look at this list, go ahead.  As we know they are top athletes, driven by that Chinese will to compete and do well.  The list is huge, of course and only goes back to 2003 that I saw.


Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday to Sherry, Robyn and Kayla!

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