Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017 Wednesday #step#servant#commune#Bob#mixedmarriage#安庆长江大桥

Get Fit
Trying to get my fitbit step count up.  I'm not the only one that walks circles in the house.  I did add some aerobics to the mix this morning, that should help.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 11:25   "This do.... in remembrance of Me."  This was Paul recalling Christ's words in a letter to the Corinthians.  This is something we still do in remembrance of the last supper.  Jesus's last meal with his friends and memories for them to carry on the ministry with.  The act of washing the feet of the disciples to show them that Jesus came as a servant of His Father and His Fathers people.  Us.  He came for us.  Do this in remembrance of Him.  Serve one another.

Communion - It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself for us Christians to eat and to drink.

On this day
1974 - I was dating a few guys, not unusual for me in those years.  My main goal was to keep busy, socially.  My girlfriend Judy introduced me to her brother Bob.  He was a very interesting, outgoing guy with a great voice.  So great that he worked in broadcasting on the radio.  He had lived in New York for a while and had been married.  His wife was bi polar and committed suicide which left Bob with a lot of guilt.  I had a good ear for listening and a very sympathetic nature and we would talk all night long. I wrote him a poem and he really liked it.  Later he put music to it.  I wonder if I still have it somewhere.  He moved to California after a while, it would have been a good place for him.

1614 - American Indian Pocahontas married English colonist John Rolfe in Virginia.  What?  no uproar about mixed marriage?  Happy anniversary to John and Pocahontas.

Anqing China
Anqing Yangtze River Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge spanning 1,040 metres (3,410 ft) over the Yangtze River at AnqingAnhui Province in eastern China.[3][2] The bridge is 31.2 metres (102 ft) wide and carries four lanes of traffic on the G50 Shanghai–Chongqing Expressway between Anqing north of the river and Dongzhi County in Chizhou prefecture to the south. The bridge opened on December 27, 2004 and was the 35th bridge across the Yangtze River between Yibin and Shanghai.[2][1] The bridge required investment of ¥1.3174 billion.[1]
The Anqing Yangtze River Bridge is located 164 km (102 mi) downstream from the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge and 96 km (60 mi) upstream from the Tongling Yangtze River Bridge.[1]
Wu Bangguo wrote the calligraphy for the bridge's name inscription.[2]
Anqing Yangtze River Bridge
Bridge on the Yangtze River in Anqing Anhui China-2.jpg
 Beautiful bridge, in case you think they don't have structures like this there.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Debbie C and Robin!

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