Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017 Sunday #crossword#eternity#trustful?#0030#Busan

Get Fit
Exercising my brain today!  Crossword!

Get Faith
1 Chronicles 16:34  " Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever."  What does forever mean to you?  Is it waiting for a light to change?  Waiting till you can get home from school or work.  Waiting to see someone you love?  This forever is eternal that is referred to here.  Since the beginning - before creation, when it was only God, till the end of eternity, which is never.  That is a long time.  God invites us to spend this time, here, with him, now and then for all eternity.  A gift, bought and paid for by your Savior, Jesus the Christ.  All you need to do is know Him and His story, believe it (and you will)  and the gift is yours.  Thank you God for having mercy on us.

On this day
1976 -  Fridays I always went to the bank at Northland to cash my check and a lot of the guys at Quality gave me their checks to cash as well.  There was a Winkelmans store by the bank and I usually ran in there to find a little treat, on this day a new blouse.  I got back and Christine left early to go into Toronto to see her family.  I see that I was dating a few guys at this time, Pete and my old love Denny, but entertained Roy on this evening for a chat and some wine.  You will have to read my book from the seventies - I'm working on it.

0030 - Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. So this has the date as Good Friday.  The date isn't important, the message and result are.

From Anqing China to Busan South Korea
This is not a long trip today.  I thought it would be a good idea to look at South Korea as it is today.

You can see Busan, which is a large city on the southeast coast of Sea of Japan.  It is a large city, I'm sure we will find plenty to learn.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adam!!!

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