Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017 Maundy Thursday #inHispresence#Sickkids#healing#Dream

Get Faith
John 14:3 (Jesus said)  "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am there you may be also."  When the writer says that on that day we will see Jesus' face.  I always think to myself (although I know I am forgiven) that I will never be worthy to see His face, and I am ok with that as long as I am in His company.  I feel like what we consider here to be a "face" will be different there.  It is only important that you know he waits for you and has prepared a place for you with Him.  For a start, go to church and share communion tonight.

Prayer - "Mighty and merciful God, accept our thanks and have patience when we forget our dependence on you.  Amen."

On this day
1986  Nicole was not a year old and was sick.  I medicated and gave her bottles of water and fluids to keep her temperature down, rocked and held her all day.  It is miserable when babies are sick.  The family and friends all called asking how she was, what could they do.  This week Emmitt, my friend Pam's grandson was sick with Tonsillitis and a high fever, I heard the same sad story about trying to give them relief and get some sleep.  When he finally slept they cancelled all other plans so they wouldn't have to move him.  It also brings to mind all those babies in Syria.  We feel so helpless when babies are sick, there is nothing worse.

1598 - King Henry IV of France signed the Edict of Nantes which granted political rights to French Protestant Huguenots. This sounds like progress in the healing of the Christian church.

China music
Cinema Modeoff

Chinese Zen Music: Guzheng & Erhu music, Zen Music, instrumental music, chinese music

Peaceful Chinese Zen Music with traditional instruments playing the solos (Guzheng and Erhu) NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection ...
youtube.com1 year ago  This is pretty nice!!  Take a listen!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aubry

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