Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 1, 2017 Saturday #getback#past#Baptism#Marty!

Get Fit
One reason I have  been away from this so long is because I don't feel any kind of fit.  While I am fighting to get my strength back - you stay on target and keep encouraging me.

Get Faith
Isaiah 43:18-19  "Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!"  This is from Isaiah in the old testament.  He had an advantage.  He knew Christ was coming and spoke often of it.  The new thing.  I have a tendency to live in the past as you see here by my "on this day" portion.  I don't think I live in the past, I just don't want to forget it because of the people it reminds me of.  I find our pasts important only because of who it creates in us.  Hopefully your past has created the most important thing in your future.  Jesus Christ.  The new "thing", the new life and the promise for the new world with our awesome God.

Baptism - our pasts are wiped clean of sin by the death of our Lord Jesus the Christ, sent to us by God the Father and kept alive in our faith by the Holy Spirit who resides with us.  What a blessing.

On this day
2011 - April Fools Day  I will always think of today, not only for the obvious, but because it was Uncle Marty's birthday.  He entered my home when Nicole was two, lived here for seven years and was a character to be reckoned with.  He passed away just before his 50th birthday from an aneurysm and left a whole in our hearts.  On this day I had set up a lot of old videos of Marty, and there were a lot of them, and had a bunch of friends that I knew would enjoy the experience of seeing them.  It was a continued celebration of a life that was kind, loving and certainly entertaining.  RIP Marty.

1578 - William Harvey of England discovered blood circulation. How I wonder.

From Zhodzina Belarus to Anqing China
  Location of Anqing City jurisdiction in Anhui

Anqing (simplified Chinese安庆traditional Chinese安慶pinyinĀnqìng; literally: "Peaceful Celebration", also Anking, formerly Hwaining) is a prefecture-level city in the southwest of Anhui province, People's Republic of China. Its population was 5,311,579 at the 2010 census, with 780,514 living in the built-up (or metro) area.
Lets get settled, looks like a great place to visit!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marty!!  

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